cubeship wrote:
I do have so many personas that I could never pin point the "real" me. I also have "characters" that come out at random times. Usually when i'm at home caring for my children.. I'll take on an accent and am basically someone else for a bit (though I am aware I am in a character, I don't have a multiple personality disorder), but it's like, I have to get that character "out of my system" before I can go back to my normal self. I haven't shared this with many people because I am aware that it is not quite "normal"

My kids are also cool with it, keeps things interesting.
I do this too. My kids were usually cool with it and would roll with it with me and we would laugh and have fun and goof off. But now three of them are grown, the youngest only spends every other weekend and her stepdad doesn't approve of me acting this way. I don't know how to act unless I have a role I understand to play. I understand my role at work, and when I'm singing at church, and if I'm doing a task I can do by myself like cooking or cleaning or driving. But if I have to interact, and the other person(s) doesn't like my "character" mode, I get stuck and don't know what to do.
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