Just search for 'bullying' on this site and you will get your answer. I thought I was past it but no, the feelings of anger are still there all these years later. It was so bad and traumatic that my own brother asked me to draw up a 'list' and if he ever got a terminal illness he would 'consult' that list. He was dead serious and no I haven't drawn it up.... yet although he does know a few of them already. He later mentioned how he knows how to take someone out without being caught. I still don't know if he was serious about that!
Grammar Geek wrote:
Anytime I ever tried to fight a bully back, I would be the one to get in trouble and the bully would get off scot-free.
Yes, I was 6'4" and towered over my bullies. Why did I take it? Because two of them were short, innocent looking and were (and are) master manipulators. They are the types of guys who could convince the WP community that I am a reptilian from Neptune set to wipe of humanity. I was also scared that if I got into trouble I would lose my honour roll status, not get into University and get a dead end job, you know like the one I have now. One bully's father actually got a teacher FIRED for standing up for me so you can guess how the rest turned a blind eye.
It's like being attacked by a street thug and having a cop standing next to you waving handcuffs at you and telling you if you lay a finger on your attacker, guess where you are going.