Trouble enjoying the now moment when work lurks in future...

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04 Dec 2015, 2:10 pm

Do you often find you struggle with being at peace if you know there's something in the future that is going to be a struggle. For example of you don't enjoy the morning as much if you know you have a dentist appointment later. You have trouble enjoying a Saturday off if you know you have to work the next four days overtime. You have trouble enjoying the holiday season if you are in the middle of some project that you want to finish. You feel like if you start something that usnt really enhoyable you can't stop and be at peace until it's finished. If there's an enenjoyable project you know you have to do in the future, you wish you could get it started now and get it over with or else waiting to do it and knowing you have to do it is almost just as unenjoyable as starting it. I find I'm like that. It's like if I know if I have to do something important especially something that's unenjoyable it's like I can't turn that part of my mind and enjoy the now moment even if the moment is enjoyable. I wonder if this is typical for aspies. I ive rypically coped with this by being a work aholoic, doimg nothing else but thay until i get it done because i cant keep it off my mind. Then when im finished, im not only happy and relieved, but dont want to start new forms of work. Ive genetally fear working or starting important project for this reason. Im however now trying to deal with it and ovetcome it, I find it can be overcome but currently struggling to do so. Anyone else struggle with this?

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04 Dec 2015, 2:41 pm

infilove wrote:

Hahaha! :mrgreen:

Yes, I struggle with this a lot.
I'll give another example:
Course trip to foreign country. Dinner in 30 minutes.
Can't relax. Must wait. Can't be late.
Be 3 mintues early, just to be sure I'm on time.
While most other students did fun stuff and showed up late, and nobody gave a damn. 8O

I can't enjoy myself when I know "tomorrow I have to do some kind of annoying chore".

As a kid I couldn't do anything the day I knew someone would come over, I had to wait for it.

When I know I have an appointment I either obsess over it or am sure to forget about it.
When I know appointment is in 2 weeks, I will think about it a lot. And it will interfere with my enjoyment of the moment.

But other than you (who would like to get it done earlier) I'd prefer not having to do it at all. Less stress, more peace. :wink:
In an ideal world I'd have an empty schedule, always.


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04 Dec 2015, 3:14 pm


Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity

“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman

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04 Dec 2015, 9:09 pm

Yep, describes me in a nutshell. Especially in regards to things that I really don't have control of, like my death or the end of the world should that ever occur. As for 'fun' things I often find the anticipation more exciting then the actual event.


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05 Dec 2015, 12:48 am

Ohhh yeeeaaah.. I can so totally relate. When I read the title of the post, I had one of those "THAT IS SO ME...:(
" moments. As much as alcohol shouldn't be the answer, I do find that with a number of bottles in me (beer), it sort of disables the part of my brain (for the duration of being under its influence) that worries about those future events... :/ Yeah. Btw, I have never been on any medication for these autistic aspects of my life. That is, assuming that they are connected to autism.


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05 Dec 2015, 1:26 am

Mindfulness has helped me a lot with this. I can enjoy the present and leave the future for later.

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05 Dec 2015, 7:42 pm

Yes, I'm waiting on a reply about an interview and trying not to worry about it during my weekend.

I try to remind myself that if it's hard, it can't be that much harder than anything I've already been through. If it doesn't work out, I'm not out of options yet.