Sweetleaf wrote:
Feyokien wrote:
Yo, but I will be forced by my family every year to celebrate what I now just consider to be the winter festival, since no one talks about Santa Claus or Jesus anymore and it's just a time for gift giving and being around family. I'd personally like to ax the gift giving part now that all my siblings and I are adults, I see little point for it plus money is scarce right now with college and all.
So yeah I guess I will be celebrating Christmas, although I'll deny it to the end!
The only reason there is a 'festival' is because pagans had a winter festival, and then christians over-took it as a coercion method, by making it so the christian celebration coincided with it, some Christians even thing celebrating it is wrong due to the underlying pagan themes/traditions associated with Christmas. Anyways point with that is it was initially a winter festival before the christian holiday.
I don't particularly celebrate anything, sometimes I might try and get gifts for a couple people and am certainly open to getting together with people around that time but yeah nothing specific.
I am aware.

Don't tell that to the majority of European Christians out there that are clueless, it'll break their hearts that they're still all technically pagan polytheists with their many gods I mean saints and angels, and borrowed holidays.
Another two years and I'll be on my own, probably somewhere far away from my home state so I wont have to worry about celebrating anything at that point. If I ever become a parent later on in life maybe I'll teach my children to observe the solstices, equinoxes, or other Celtic/Germanic ancient pagan holidays. That's a big if though on actually having children so who knows.
Last edited by Feyokien on 10 Dec 2015, 7:29 am, edited 1 time in total.