Skythysa wrote:
Does anybody else love christmas, but gets upset by the presents?
And by the presents I mean waiting and the suspense from not knowing what they are.
No, I can't relate to that at all. Even as a child I loved the suspense with the butterflies in my stomach and the excitement of seeing the gifts lying there wrapped waiting for me. It was a long wait because I was so excited, but I still loved and enjoyed it. It was part of the Christmas joy for me. (and birthday to for that matter).
Even today I sometimes feel that rush of excitement at times, although not as strongly as when I was a child. It's a good kind of suspense so I enjoy it. Just like watching /reading an exciting movie /book.
It's only the bad kind of suspense that cause me stress, like waiting to hear from loved ones you are worried about for some reason, or waiting for the result of a doctor's test, you know, things with possible serious outcomes.