The worst thing a bully has done to you

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11 Feb 2016, 10:19 am

Well, constant exclusion. It didn't help that I was much smarter than the rest of the class, so they didn't see me as fair game, more like a Emperor of Intellectual Stature. Also, I was a teacher's pet. Successfully repelling NT, since 2008 :lol:. Also, I was very smart and on a regular basis corrected the teachers when they we're wrong. :roll:

ever changing evolving and growing
I am pieplup i have level 3 autism and a number of severe mental illnesses. I am rarely active on here anymore.
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11 Feb 2016, 10:44 am

I don't know what I did to cause the following but it happened anyway. I was probably 9 or 10 at the time.

On Monday, this kid said he was going to beat me up. Why? I don't have a clue.

Over the course of the next few days, when he saw me on the playground or somewhere, he repeated his threat.

By Friday I started ignoring him since it seemed like he wasn't going to follow through.

Would you believe that, as I was walking home Friday after school, the guy, along with a group of kids, were following me from about a block away.

I thought, "Nah. He can't be serious because I didn't do anything to him."

As I turned the corner, he ran up and jumped on me and started punching. I started wriggling to get him off but he held on like an octopus. Finally, I somehow reached into my bookbag, pulled out a refill pen, and shoved it in his neck.

Screaming, he jumped off and ran across the street. The next thing I know, he hurls a half empty bottle of Guinness Stout at me. It missed and shattered on the wall behind me, sending that stinky stout onto my shirt.

I just ran home and I guess he gave up because I was already on the street where I lived.

BTW, I became an alcoholic at 18. It took a while, but I did start drinking Guinness Stout even though it was like a stake to a vampire.


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12 Feb 2016, 1:28 am

Do you think I should always ignore people who are bullying me, or are there times when I should not?


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14 Feb 2016, 3:42 am

The worst a bully has done to me was grab me and flip me towards the floor infront of everyone just because I said I like The Witcher more than Dragon Age. He apologized though.

I can't stand how awful some of you guys were treated. I had to take breaks reading this thread because I was so infuriated that if I just saw someone getting bullied I'd beat a bully to an inch of their life, even if the bully was 7 years old.


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14 Feb 2016, 9:36 am

I know, right? This thread brings tears to me eyes.

Some of the more badder things that happened to me, but it seems light in this thread:

- I tried walking out of the classroom, some kid had a nail and scratched it right into my wrist, luckily missed my veins though. I don't even remember them getting into trouble.

- I was sexually assaulted over a stupid reason. I wanted to watch some kids play some damn yugioh and they asked several times to stop (they were playing it right in the sandpit where public eyes could easily see) and some kid grabbed me by the balls and didn't go easy on them.

And same here SnailHail. Some teens and children are so bad, if only it was legal for us young men to drop them. I'd beat the sh*t out of other young boys if they were to ever lay a hand on my little brother. But I'd probably get charged. I'm thinking of actually recording every interaction I have secretly with young teenage males once I become a young adult just to show I was trying to talk civilly to them and/or restrain them first and that I only attacked in self-defense.

The worst that happened to my aspie friend is you could say he was nearly murdered. He was pinned to the ground by another kid and this other kid had the lid of an opened can and it was sharp and the kid nearly pierced/cut my friends neck, something that could have killed him. Other kid didn't even get into trouble.

My best friend and I went to the same school, one high in bullying and other issues. One kid broke his collarbone and was given nothing but an ice pack to take care of it.

One time I got a concussion and actually blacked-out from a rock being thrown at my head, my friends got into a little rock throwing gang war with another group of boys, rock throwing gang wars were extremely common, along with young boys banding together to gang up on the weak. I was nearly a victim of this as a boy and his friends were looking for me, luckily I avoided them.

There was even one situation where two boys agreed to a fight at a set time and place, and one actually pulled nunchucks on the other and luckily a teacher stopped them just in time.


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15 Feb 2016, 9:44 pm

Outrider wrote:
I know, right? This thread brings tears to me eyes.

Some of the more badder things that happened to me, but it seems light in this thread:

- I tried walking out of the classroom, some kid had a nail and scratched it right into my wrist, luckily missed my veins though. I don't even remember them getting into trouble.

- I was sexually assaulted over a stupid reason. I wanted to watch some kids play some damn yugioh and they asked several times to stop (they were playing it right in the sandpit where public eyes could easily see) and some kid grabbed me by the balls and didn't go easy on them.

And same here SnailHail. Some teens and children are so bad, if only it was legal for us young men to drop them. I'd beat the sh*t out of other young boys if they were to ever lay a hand on my little brother. But I'd probably get charged. I'm thinking of actually recording every interaction I have secretly with young teenage males once I become a young adult just to show I was trying to talk civilly to them and/or restrain them first and that I only attacked in self-defense.

The worst that happened to my aspie friend is you could say he was nearly murdered. He was pinned to the ground by another kid and this other kid had the lid of an opened can and it was sharp and the kid nearly pierced/cut my friends neck, something that could have killed him. Other kid didn't even get into trouble.

My best friend and I went to the same school, one high in bullying and other issues. One kid broke his collarbone and was given nothing but an ice pack to take care of it.

One time I got a concussion and actually blacked-out from a rock being thrown at my head, my friends got into a little rock throwing gang war with another group of boys, rock throwing gang wars were extremely common, along with young boys banding together to gang up on the weak. I was nearly a victim of this as a boy and his friends were looking for me, luckily I avoided them.

There was even one situation where two boys agreed to a fight at a set time and place, and one actually pulled nunchucks on the other and luckily a teacher stopped them just in time.

Yes definitely record interactions and make sure they throw the first punch, you'll still have to show some restraint because you're "in the wrong" just because you're older even if you're only older by a year or two. The video wouldn't just be great for evidence but to put on the internet and ruin their lives. Also even at your age (17) you can get trialed as an adult. They'll probably trial you just because you fought a kid a year or two younger than you or they'll wait till you hit 18 in a few months to press charges so you get treated like an adult in court. Just look at teachers

Some may only get held responsible for their actions if they bully someone society views as protected and untouchable like a kid that is clearly physically disabled or a kid that is the child of a very important/powerful person. It might seem wrong but baiting them to attack those types will get them hit hard by society. Good chunk of the bullies in my highschool were honor students, because they're considered the most valuable students they were able to get away with bullying others, but if anyone even said anything to them they'd get in trouble. So basically you have to make yourself valuable to others for them to give a damn about you.

Those kids sound like savages, I hope they get criminal records and go to prison. It will be their karma for being such horrible human beings.

Reminds me of an episode from The Venture Bros. when some annoying teen named Dermott was pissing Brock off, Brock could easily snap his neck but since he was a minor he had to "cut him slack" and if he attacked he would be in big trouble. Rusty suggested Brock get another kid to fight him since it wouldn't be any legal trouble it just be seen as two kids fighting. Dean eventually got fed up with his crap and just started wailing on Dermott. After Dermott got his ass kicked he became a much more tolerable and likeable character. Some people just need to get the sense beaten into them as it gives them a reality check.

Something similar happened in King Of The Hill when Hank had to deal with an obnoxious 10 Year Old named Jacob, his parents kept enabling him and thought of all his antics as "cute", the damn brat even stuck his hose into his mail slot and turned it on to wet up his house. Hank had to get him to stop by making Bobby do all the annoying stuff Jacob does to Jacob's parents for them to get the point. You know as they say, kids are like farts, you like your own but can't stand others.

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15 Feb 2016, 9:55 pm

Esperanza wrote:
I can't pinpoint any one event and say "that's the worst one." It wasn't about the discrete events. It wasn't the spitballs, and it wasn't the names, and it wasn't lifting my skirt with a meter-stick and laughing at my underwear, and it wasn't the exclusion from games, clubs and events. It was the soul-crushing relentlessness. It didn't matter what I did, or how badly they hurt me. No one ever seemed to think the job was done, and they just kept hurting me in every possible way. It just never stopped.

That's how I feel. I'm not "bullied" per se, but my 'friends' never fail to point out how "only I would think/say/do/see X or Y" and I get called pretentious and weird and nonsensical and nerdy/geeky any time I'm around people.

It's not bad at all in small doses, but after fifteen billion times of hearing "only you" it sort of starts to turn into this excruciatingly version of "you're alone."

I dunno. Maybe I'm overreacting. I can't stand to be around any of my friends anymore because it's lonelier than actually being alone.

As for bullying, my brother used to call me fat all the time when I was a kid and I still can't eat without hearing those words in my head. Every damn time. I'd like to enjoy something besides a salad without hating myself afterwards someday, but I don't think that's going to happen.

There's being unique and different, and then there's being too different. I don't seem to toe that line well at all.

I love PMs but have no clue how to start a conversation.


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16 Feb 2016, 4:34 am

aja675 wrote:
BirdInFlight wrote:
Fired me from a job -- and my only place to live also as it was a live-in position and I had nowhere else to go -- for literally no reason, actually literally by LAW no reason, and then threatened me that if I brought a lawsuit because of that, the person he/she (don't want to specify) would make sure it was crushed, and my life ruined, because the person knew people. They did, too, and could have.

In my case, I can't escape the people who make fun of me because my college is so small.

I've done a lot to change myself or to at least distract myself, but nothing works in the long run.

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16 Feb 2016, 6:25 am

The main issue I had was I was always "frozen" through fear of the consequences of defending myself (I still am in my 50's) - this came from telling my parents I had been punched and kicked by a bloke 2 years my senior at school. My Father said "all bullies are cowards. A punch on the nose and they back down".

You can see what's coming right?

So I did punch him the next time he started on me. All-out fist fight starts and we are hauled up before staff - They ask "who threw the first punch?" I answer it was me and I am punished and parents called. Said parents are ashamed of me dragging them into it and I am told what a useless git I am.

Ever since I have been terrified of the outcome not the bullying - I am very assertive these days and will defend myself vigorously.

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16 Feb 2016, 7:26 am

worst thing a bully has done to me is hang me from a tree by my jacket and have everybody else use me as a target for the football. left me there when the bell went to signal the end of dinner time and it took half an hour before i was rescued by a teacher.


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16 Feb 2016, 4:21 pm

Sexual harassment. Seriously, some guy walks up behind me saying he wants to rape me using all kinds of vulgar language, and then he tried to put his arm around me. I told the principal right away and I never saw or heard from him again. But it was perfectly okay for me to be verbally abused constantly, mostly by guys, even after I left school and became an adult. I've also been spit on and had rocks thrown at me.

I hate kids. :x


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16 Feb 2016, 8:35 pm

Wow, this has GOT to be one of the most depressing threads I've read on WP, but I think it is important, vitally important, to hear about what other people have been through. I feel like NTs talk about getting picked on and bullied, but then I see and hear about aspies getting the real brunt of it, especially when they don't understand or know any better.... this unleashes a fury so intense..... hell hath no fury like a woman scorned!!
There are very few things you can do to anger me so much - bullying- especially child-bullying by OTHER f*****g CHILDREN just takes my breathe away. The level of cruelty children have.............
They are nasty cruel things with all the malice and manipulation adults have minus the size or strength.

I had my fair share of bullying. I would always hear NTs talk about how they got picked on and it always seemed to start around middle school or HS, and I would sit and wonder why did they pick on me from the time I was in pre-K (seriously I was beat up in Pre-K by another pre-schooler... :roll: and just more generally teased...)
I didn't have it as bad as you guys did (thankfully maybe.. I was already messed up from the bullying I did get).
It wasn't as physical in my case, but I did get hit, punched, stuff thrown at me, very rarely. Most of the time adults would set in.
However, worse than anything was the isolation and fear.
The rejection and being ignored was worse far far worse.

If I had a dime for every time someone told me to "get over it" :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :x :oops:
For years (only 2/3), I came home crying every. single. day. because I didn't understand. YEARS!
I just couldn't understand why.
In a way, I still don't understand why or how you could do that to a child any child ever... it truly breaks my heart. :(

My bullying has continued into the workplace unfortunately. I get along with people, but there's always a few people that absolutely hate me no matter what- now I know why though, they hate me because I don't or can't play "the game" and I do "the game" wrong and confuse people. I'm an "unknown" and "a threat they don't understand"; I scare people.

My family still gets over on me too. Sometimes kids MUCH younger than me are able to manipulate me, and I just see it too late- I feel horrible when that happens.
Like the other day I realized (someone else told me) that someone basically convinced me to steal from someone without knowing it. They told me something was being given away.
I said that's stupid, I already have one, but if no one needs it I'll take it- can't hurt to have another one handy.
The owner of said item later tried to (indiscreetly) tell me it was was hers, but I didn't understand her, and took it home. Later they told me the person used me to get back at the owner because she was jealous because of some other thing, and I just felt like a complete and utter idiot. :(
Like, why couldn't I see that? Just WHY ?! I was sooo angry :?


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16 Feb 2016, 8:55 pm

Unfortunate_Aspie_ wrote:
There are very few things you can do to anger me so much - bullying- especially child-bullying by OTHER f*****g CHILDREN just takes my breathe away. The level of cruelty children have.............
They are nasty cruel things with all the malice and manipulation adults have minus the size or strength.

Oh, the bully's parent's were just as fun to deal with: why do you think they are so sadistic. One parent in particular, well lets just say that I can see how Hitler rose to power so easily.

However, worse than anything was the isolation and fear.
The rejection and being ignored was worse far far worse.

I totally agree. I remember watching a show that interviewed a serial killer. He said "the best part is when my victims don't know when I might strike. I love how they kill themselves." I also remember what a horrible feeling knowing NOBODY would take my side in school. NOBODY.

If I had a dime for every time someone told me to "get over it" :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :x :oops:
For years (only 2/3), I came home crying every. single. day. because I didn't understand. YEARS!
I just couldn't understand why.

That's the worst part. Other mothers would tell mine how they wish they could trade sons and what a great boy I was. Meanwhile in school some people outright hated me. Honor roll kids I rarely spoke to gleefully told me how much they enjoy watching me suffer and wish they could murder me and all everyone did was try to teach me how to not be a target, never once saying it wasn't my fault!


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16 Feb 2016, 9:21 pm

Set fire to my jacket. While I was wearing it.


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16 Feb 2016, 11:48 pm

I only have a few specific bullying incidents that come to mind... Most people just decided it was better to leave the quiet kid alone (especially because that quiet kid had a black belt).

The two that come to mind are being on a class trip to a swimming pool in elementary school and a kid holding me underwater when he figured out I couldn't swim.

Another is verbal abuse from a college professor that nearly led to suicide.

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17 Feb 2016, 5:09 pm

Tried to push me into incoming traffic -I was walking home from school, and a group of kids happened to be walking on the same side as me... This one kid thought that since I was uncool by his standards, that it would be appropriate to push me into the road... Thankfully I was not hit by a car and manged to run to the other side of the road before a car came close.

The thing that bothered me the most is that I did not express any desire to interact with or befriend this group of people, but yet they interpreted me walking beside them (given that I was walking at my own pace and completely occupied by my own thoughts) as attempting to infiltrate the group and mingke amongst them, the fact that they all laughed as I was pushed into the road as well. :( I hope they all lead lives riddled with failure. :evil:

Another thing that continously bothers me, is that I was sexually assaulted on multiple occasions. At the time I didn't consider it sexual assault, in fact I was too naive and didn't understand. For 3 years a group of boys terrorised me, making horrible comments about my facial attributes and repeatedly touching me without my permission. In fact it wasn't just this group of boys who did this, multiple people joined in the "let's make DestinedToBeAPotato uncomfortable for the lulz" game. In class people would purposely take my things - and you know us autistic folks, we are very "my precious" with our property so it would frustrate me to the point of almost melting down, many noticed that I wasn't equipped with social skills and therefore incapable of defending myself. They took advantage of that and went out of their way to make me uncomfortable during lessons - this continues to this day.. But its not as bad as back then. This thankfully only lasted for the first 2 years of secondary school, by year 9/10 it had cooled down..

Oh and the time when RANDOM people out in the street would point and laugh at me, there was even a boy from my school who would follow me as walking to and from school shouting "fish lips" - of course, I do have thick, large lips isn't that a physical characteristic typical of people who are of black/African descent? What's wrong with it? :roll: :roll: Petulant people, I tell ya.

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