I enjoy maths. It's fun and I'm not bad at it. Unfortunately, it's not a special interest, so I have trouble focusing on larger maths problems if they don't directly benefit something I'm interested in. I can understand why some autistic people might struggle with maths, though, just as I understand some NTs are good at it and some aren't. I also understand why it might have a greater allure to us, but that doesn't mean that allure is universal.
Everyone is different.
Stimming, stimming all day long~
Common sense? Me? Hahahahahahaha no. You're more likely to find penguins in the sahara.
We should adapt - but we should not conform.
A life without tea is a life not worth living.
Latest Aspie Quiz: AS - 151, NT - 38 / RAADS-R: 195 / AQ: 38