did/do you get all worked up when something changed/changes?

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21 Mar 2016, 2:06 pm

this is common in autism and in ADHD.

like for example we plan something in our heads and if it doesnt go the way we expect it to we get all worried or get upset.

is this part of how our brains our wired?

bc i know they talk about this alot in autism and heard its common.

if this happened to you what made you upset?

diagnosed with autistic disorder.


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21 Mar 2016, 3:42 pm

yes! it comes on without warning, a change in plan wont bother me at first but before i know it i black out and start punching a wall or start crying and hyperventilating.

I learned to accept change more now, i moved a LOT in my teen years, as son as i turned 10 i moved into the city, after that the longest i stayed in one place was 3 years, the shortest was 1 day. I still get very anxious and tend to have meltdowns though.

its getting better.

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21 Mar 2016, 3:59 pm

Always, and I have to hide it because it's not "normal." But whenever people make plans with me and then they change things, like who is going to be there, meeting time, activities, even when it's better for me logically, I still feel anxiety. And clients changing the scope or duration of projects after we already agreed gives me chest pains.


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21 Mar 2016, 4:00 pm

It's not that extreme these days, not like when I had to live in a home where they were constantly changing everything and moving people around - I was lucky if I stayed at a place more than a year, especially if I actually liked it. Staff that I liked because they were friendly and pleasant to talk to would usually leave and work elsewhere and I'd probably never see them again, only to be replaced by staff who were stern and cold or would rather talk on the phone all day than go out on our grocery day to buy food, even when there was hardly anything left to eat- but when my plans to go out with somebody for a pleasant outing such as eating lunch together or shopping is canceled I feel like "Now what am I going to do? It's just another long dull day being alone and stuck in my apartment" Sometimes I go out by myself but usually the weather is bad or it's too expensive to pay for a a cab ride both ways. I know I should care more about the person if they can't come because they don't feel well but, when it feels like they have an excuse almost every week, like it does now...

Anyway, my mom and I are planning to go out for supper tomorrow. I'm really hoping nothing will put it on hold. It will be nicer and more relaxed to have supper instead of lunch like we normally do, because Mom won't be telling me to hurry up and finish eating because she has to go back to work, and she won't mind waiting for our food as much so we'll have more time to chat. :)


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22 Mar 2016, 1:20 am

I used to alot as a kid & teen but it's not as bad nowadays partly because I take a med for my anxiety & another med for my OCD. I still get upset sometimes thou & I generally don't like changing.

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22 Mar 2016, 2:11 am

It usually leads to a meltdown for me. Anywhere from mild to severe.


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22 Mar 2016, 2:42 am

Depends on
Time of day
Pre or post late afternoon nap
What zone I'm in
Priority -both mine and others
The speed or movement of my brain / mind

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22 Mar 2016, 2:48 pm

I hate it when stuff like furniture is moved around in the house.Especially if noone tells me it's happening.I don't like people 'dropping in' for a visit either as it can change my routines too much.I like to know what's going on in the day with no surprises.

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22 Mar 2016, 3:34 pm

And here I'm a 26 year old man, whose about to explain he has crying meltdowns when his routine is changed. It's embarrassing, but it's not something I can instantaneously control either. It just happens. Routine and structure is a very important thing and I have expectations of how things should be. Considering I have general anxiety about a lot of things.

One of those general anxieties is about time. I hate being late. And being late is if I am schedule to be there at 5:00. I have to be there by 4:50, or 4:40. 5:00 is late. I hate being late. I hate people making me late. And I hate when people don't come when I expect them to.

I like specifics because I am always worried that if I am late or someone is late they are abandoning me or that something happened to them.


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22 Mar 2016, 5:14 pm

I feel perturbed when my routine is messed with even a little bit.

I don't like it when the train is delayed, for example. Instead of yelling, though, I just meow and growl. And people laugh at me, and sometimes join me.

Sometimes, though, I do more extreme things like bang my head against a pole or something.

I am very much a person of habit.


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22 Mar 2016, 5:30 pm

I do this a lot. When things don't go the way I expected it, I get anxious and feel tense and I am crabby. I am even like this with change of plans. I don't get as worked up anymore when buses or trains are late or delayed because it's something I have gotten used to and I won't lose my job for it.

Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.

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22 Mar 2016, 11:03 pm

YES. I HATE it when unexpected s**t happens!! ! :evil:

Every day is exactly the same...


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23 Mar 2016, 8:23 am

Behavior can change; at the worst, I get aggressive.
