PLA wrote:
I don't know about "good" or "bad". But let's use another example. I often think I'm a rather ugly guy. But I wouldn't surgically alter this face. It's mine, and it's always been mine. I am Not saying that it's Ethically Wrong - or anything like that - to do change one's face. I am merely saying that I would not do so. I don't want to.
And the same goes for my mind, even if it does cause me troubles.
But altering your face would certainly bring about huge improvements (hypothetically), even if it were to conform to the shallow, materialist world around us. Which is what I was basing my definitions of 'good' and 'bad' upon; the predominant characteristics, expectations and nature of the society/world in which we live. The world doesn't make allowances for our social shortcomings, they expect us to play by their rules - an ability that has been stripped from us by this syndrome.
EDIT: And this also related back to what I was saying about picking out key points of AS that are 'good'. Why ascribe them to AS? Anyone can be smart, perceptive, eccentric, this isn't a unique AS quality. Further, if you altered your face, would that change who you are?
"Pray...NOW!" -Auron, before Bushido attack