I identify as male. I always have and have never questioned it. I have, however, been confused as to how it must be to be in a woman's body. It is different enough from a male's that I wonder how they live life and how life must be different for them both without certain parts and with certain parts. Gender, the non-biollogical parts, is completely cultural. I see gender identity as resulting almost entirely from culture. We like to think that men and women are the same and that anything one can do the other can too and that we should treat each other as equals. But the biological differences such as male tetosterone and female's ability to become pregnant and give birth will always lead to some pre-conceptions about the sexes that will then create what a culture deems appropriate for a sex such men being associated with initiative and women being associated with children. Gender is all culture, and culture stems form biology. I sometimes think about how another sentiant species different from humanity might develop its gender identities such as a sentiant form of insect or reptile.
I am a traditional, non-Roman Catholic feminist married to a Bahá'í. Decide for yourself what that means.