oh joy, that's just a day before my birthday.
ledger4479 wrote:
So, I'd like to ask, what does autistic pride mean to you?.
i rarely think or speak about my autism so the term is not packed with much meaning for me. i was diagnosed way back in 2001 and i feel like if i were tested now, it would be a different story.
i've learned to cope with the handful of challenge it has given me, so i do not let myself get ashamed about having it. but i don't wave it around as a flag of individuality, if that makes sense.
i really do not feel autistics are lower than anyone else, and i
especially do not feel we are higher than anyone else. i honestly roll my eyes whenever i see a thread on here relating to autistic supremacy, but thankfully those seem to be like a relic of a bygone era here.
still, if i were given the choice to keep my sperginess or "become NT", i'd not change myself.
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