Score: 0
Gender Female
Select Age Range 20 - 29
Best Score for your Gender -999999999
Worst Score for your Gender 900008135
About your score: A lower score is better, with ZERO being a perfect score.
Woo, first try.
A lot of this depends on your monitor. I know I've designed digital designs before; colours can look quite different depending on what you're viewing a page on and your chosen settings. Sometimes when designing web pages or apps I'll think that I've picked a great shade of green, but then I'll view it on another monitor and it'll look different. Personally, I turned my monitor to the brightest setting it can go to for this test. Still, I'd say that I have a fairly broad colour perception anyway. I'm fairly used to colour matching and working with colour. When waiting for my lessons, I used to have an app on my phone where I'd sort colour hues for the sake of it to pass the time.
Support human artists! Do not let the craft die.
25. Near the spectrum but not on it.