For me it's the morning because of my sound
A blissful quiet in the dawn of day.
A ringing bursts into life,awakening me
I try to shut off this deviant ringing but to no avail.
I successfully do so after the 5th attempt.
I hear the bed crumbling under my weight.
I hear the same sound around the house.
Blissful quiet ensues.
A humming sound takes over,overwhelmingly strong.
I can hear the door cracking and squeaking as I place my palm upon it.
It opens.
The buzzing gone,I can hear the clock going "tick tock" over and over.
The shower dripping,the sound of my feet moving.I hear the dogs outside,the birds.
I turn on the shower,making it burst into life.
I hear everything,making it hard to concentrate.I turn off the shower and now the I can hear the water drip again.
I get clothed,hearing the house burst into life with the tv on.I brush my teeth adding to the sounds I encounter.The water rushing down as I clean my brush.The toothpaste as I squeeze it.The marble sink's wooden base cracking as I look forward,placing my elbows on top of it.
I get out,the television' sounds intensified.
I hear the coffee machine hiss as it makes coffee,as it evaporates water to do what it's made to do.It starts to pour the coffee.
The coffee machine finished pouring coffee.
I take a mug,it's ceramic nature clicking against the marble surface.I pour milk into the mug making a splashing sound.
I put it in the microwave hearing the humming of it:
After a minute beeping ensues:
signalling the milk is done.
I pour in the coffee,the different temperatures causing a hiss.
After this I'm ready for my day.
Now borderline insane,I retreat into the most Blissful place in the house.
I drink my coffee in peace to see if I can relax and unwind.My efforts being fruitless.
I go to the kitchen to hear every sound in my house again.This time accompanied by the "coquis"(coh-keys) singing:
"Two things are infinite:
The universe and human stupidity;and I'm not sure of the universe"-Albert Einstein