Can't deal with phones. Any TTY relay services I can buy?

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Joined: 27 Jul 2016
Gender: Male
Posts: 10

27 Jul 2016, 8:29 pm

Are there any TTY/TRS phone relay services I can pay for myself to make phone calls (text-to-voice)?

I can't deal with phones. The noise of the phone, static, their voice, my voice.. can't deal with it. I'm not deaf; quite the opposite-- I hear so well that normal noise levels lead me to a near meltdown, and I can't always hear/understand people well because I hear *too* well. As in, I can hear the light switch being turned on in the next room. Imagine what phone calls do to me. Yeah.

I found two online TTY/TRS phone relay services (you text/type, the operator places the call and speaks, and the person you call's words come back to you as text). But, they're for the deaf, and seemingly funded by some sort of national fund. I'm not deaf; and am more than willing to pay for such a service.

I can't always avoid all phone calls, some companies/school stuff can only be done over the phone. Some calls I need to make cannot be done via email/mail/chat/website. I need actual phone calls.

No, I don't have anyone able to make phone calls for me.

No, I'm not deaf-- I hear too well, and it's too loud and hurts my hears. Talking physically exhausts me, and my voice gets tired fast. So, I want to pay for an IP relay service myself with my own money as I'm not deaf, so I can't use the national relay service free. I want to pay for the relay calls I make.

No, counseling hasn't helped me. At all. Neither did medication. And I can't afford to keep doing that anyway.

I've tried text-to-speech software. Doesn't work for this. That's too slow, and too fake sounding, to use to make phone calls. It's impossible to keep up with a phone call trying to type, wait, then press "play." And I can't deal with the actual noise on the phone call of the customer service person talking to me. The static noise on the phone line alone hurts my ears.

I need to make a phone call every now and then, and some things don't allow it done by mail/email/internet/online chat. So, I need some kind of service. I really can't deal with phones; some voices make my ears ring for hours. Even when it doesn't, talking physically exhausts me- both ears and voice.

I can't keep up with the speed of the interaction on customer service line phone calls, and spend an hour trying to explain what I need when someone else could do it in 15 minutes.

And it's too much for me.. physically and mentally, the interaction with people exhausts me. I can't keep up, and I'm drained after-- more of ten than not it takes me a week to make one frickin phone call and get what I need taken care of. It takes many meltdowns and hangups and way too much frustration.

No, there's no one can make the calls for me. I don't have anyone nearby that can do it, and there's not some community disability/etc. group that could help either.

I can't do everything by mail/email/chat/online, and have to find a way to make actual phone calls.

I need a relay service I can type to (and pay for on my own, as I'm not deaf).

Yes, I know I'm not deaf. That's why I'm looking for a service that I can pay for fully myself, not use the free national services. I'm unable to make normal phone calls, but not because of my lack of hearing. It's beyond frustrating. Most calls leave me in meltodown and I can't finish the call and have to hang up and try again. It's so defeating. :(

Are there any TTY/TRS phone relay services I can pay for to make phone calls (text-to-voice)?


Joined: 27 Jul 2016
Gender: Male
Posts: 10

28 Jul 2016, 6:28 pm

Seems that I found one that I can pay for myself, no need to quality for the TRS fund as it's fully self-paid. I'll give it a try and see if it works out.