untilwereturn wrote:
Pretty much all of those things apply to me, too. I think that especially when I was younger, I had a hard time identifying the specific thing that frustrated or overwhelmed me. I'm a little better now at identifying and articulating why I'm upset.
I've also learned to avoid some situations that really wear me down. One of those things is online debates. I used to enjoy challenging people, but when the debate became extended or I got into multiple debates with multiple people in the same day, I'd be absolutely drained and in a foul mood by the end of the day. I didn't always make the connection between the mental energy expense and the bad mood that followed.
I've made peace with the fact that people can be wrong on the Internet, and it's not necessarily my job to set them straight.
I identify with this. Even if my daughter texts me too much I start feeling overwhelmed and panicky. I don't even think I'm angry, just distressed, but apparently it comes across as anger.
As for correcting people on the interent - I too have to REALLY restrain myself!! However when it comes to interpersonal relationships, if someone says something like "you're always really difficult" I get really upset/angry and feel like I can't cope because it's not true - I can be difficult 'sometimes' - not all the time. But I find it really hard, in the moment, to explain the strength of my feelings and it's only later on, when I've calmed down, that I rememeber people exaggerate... I exhaust myself sometimes in my quest for the truth and exactitude!