Is anyone else here extremely sensitive to medications? I don't necessarily mean psychiatric drugs, since I've never taken those (although if anyone has something to say about that as well I'd be interested), but I seem to be really sensitive to normal painkillers/antibiotics/whatever.
A few years ago, I had extensive dental work done, and was prescribed Percocet for the pain. I took one pill and it made me extremely sick. I tried it again, and it just made me sicker - nausea, vertigo, vomitting - and the effects lasted for more than 24 hours. I just dealt with the pain after that.
I had another round of dental work done this past week, and specifically told the dentist that I can't take Percocet. I prescribed something else called Lorcet, which is supposedly not as strong, but still made me very sick. Both times, I also had to take antibiotics, which also make me very sick, even when taken by themselves.
About ten years ago, I was immunized against Lyme Disease, and the vaccine made me very sick for a week. I threw up, couldn't get out of bed, and ran a very high fever.