However when I glance at some of these "Am I autistic?" posts, which are also always a huge wall of text, I often see what appears to be someone describing themselves as mostly NT with the exception of some problems socializing and a few minor quirks.
I never read / respond to all the "am I autistic?" posts either. One, because frankly I'm not interested in reading a huge volume of some stranger on the Internet's life story from birth to present day in detail, but also because I'm not a neurologist, psychiatrist, researcher, therapist, etc. I can't "diagnose" anyone, especially over the Internet, and my opinion on whether that person's description sounds like possible autism or not is really irrelevant to whether that person is autistic. All I could reliably say to them is if they are curious / concerned, then speak to a professional and possibly pursue clinical diagnosis. It's tedious to just say that over and over again to every thread.
In a way, this is sort of the opposite to the "undiagnosing." I don't do the diagnosing in the first place.
Alexithymia - 147 points.