Greetings. To answer your question in the title, I am not sure. I feel maybe it's because they make up their intelligence to people by talking. Society (I believe) feels that if you have good verbal skills, but bad visual-spatial skills that you'll do better than bad verbal skills, but good visual-spatial skills, and since Aspergers is considered a "mild" version of the autism spectrum (I don't want to debate this statement, because I know someone can have severe Aspergers, so maybe I'm looking for high-functioning? I don't know). So maybe they have clump AS because of this? This is my theory, and have no idea if it's right or not.
Anyways, when I did the WCIS-III I believe (or whatever the actual acronym is), I had an IQ of 127. That was 5 years ago. Now, after doing the WAIS-IV, here are my actual results:
FSIQ: 110 (above expected)
VIQ/VCI: 106 (at expected)
PRI (non-verbal): 102 (at expected)
Processing Speed: 119 (above expected)
Working Memory*: 105 (at expected)
My math is considered at above expected, at 115.
*Note: For working memory, the subtest vary dramatically, ranging from 0.8 percentile to 91 percentile. This is why I have a learning disability in working memory. Though I am considered to have an "average" score, it's average is from really low and really high scores, and nothing in the middle.