kraftiekortie wrote:
Plain Guinea used to be under the French, and uses the West CFA Franc.
Guinea-Bissau used to be under the Portuguese--and uses their own currency.
Equatorial Guinea used to be under the Spanish (and other colonial entities--and uses the Central CFA Franc. It's both on an island and in the mainland (Rio Muni).
Yes. And although Guinea-Bissau is right next door to its larger neighbor 'plain' Guinea, those two are hundreds of miles down the West African coast from the third one: Equatorial Guinea(not even close to the other two despite having the same name).
And none of them are to be confused with "New Guinea" - the world's second largest island on the other side of the world from west Africa- in the IndoPacific.
Nor are any of the above to be confused with "Guiana" . Guiana is a little region of northern South America's Caribbean coast consisting of three little countries: the former British Guiana (now "Guyana"), French Guiana (I think its still that), and former Dutch Guiana (now "Surinam").