AuroraBorealisGazer wrote:
Would they allow you to pick her up later (30mins after they let class out) after she's done on the playground? Or could you find another soothing distraction that doesn't carry the same stigma as a smartphone? I think that sometimes in these situations it helps when people witness how truly awkward I can be. Even if they are not aware enough to see that I don't enjoy socializing or small talk, it does get them to stop trying to converse with me after a couple failed attempts.
even if i could pick her up later it wouldn't work out, my daughter would get very anxious if im not there right after she gets out :/ but i think the only way for her to stay after school without me there is she would be a apart of the C.A. which is where they take all the kids to the cafeteria to wait for their parents and thats not quite the same as the playground unfortunately. the only other distract.ion i can think of bring would be a book but i would have to pretend to read it, there's too much stimulation going on there for me to actually be able to read it. and im afraid to just sit there and watch my daughter the entire time because most parents take you doing nothing as an open invitation to small talk. im just going to try and start not hiding my weirdness, its just second nature for me to try and act normal so i dont dwell on things but thats not working out for me so far lol..
There's no right, there's no wrong, there's only popular opinion. - 12 Monkeys