firemonkey wrote:
Interesting that you mention trigonometry as being more spatial. We had just got on to trigonometry before doing O levels and I really struggled to grasp it. Needless to say my spatial skills are poor ie from borderline (70 or so) to low average(90 or so) on various online tests.
Yes, anything relating to 3D objects and angles has always been a little harder here, too. I suspect it's because solving problems in this area doesn't rely on an entirely logistical approach, as it is with algebra and other 'pure' maths. It was difficult starting my geology course for this reason, as a large part of the syllabus involves examining various rock and mineral specimens to determine things like cleavage, (planes of atomic weakness) and whether these planes are in one direction or several. It was a nightmare, at first. Incidentally, couldn't help but notice we live in the same town, fellow Southender.
On hiatus thanks to someone in real life breaching my privacy here, without my permission! May be back one day. +tips hat+