Claradoon wrote:
JakeASD wrote:
I would like to be a witty, well-spoken and altruistic individual, who has an excellent memory and extensive knowledge on a wide range of subjects. Unfortunately I am the antithesis of the aforementioned characteristics, for I am self-centered, withdrawn, I stumble over my words and I possess a lack of knowledge on most things because of my learning difficulties (autism, possible dyslexia and I suspect ADD and APD, too).
Lack of knowledge can be a great thing in a conversation. Say "I don't know much about that but I've always wanted to know" and you've got a great conversation going. People *love* to be able to talk about their own stuff. Look intrested, nod your head. It works for me.
Thanks for the advice. Dale Carnegie's "How to Win Friends and Influence People" states something similar. Unfortunately I am rather selfish as I always feel disappointed in myself for failing to remember what others have said. Thus I end up learning nothing at all. But I guess I should feel satisfied if the other person is happy about telling me something about their interests.
"Every day, once a day, give yourself a present. Don't plan it, don't wait for it, just let it happen. " - Special Agent Dale Cooper, Twin Peaks