Me too, big into genealogy. At the moment, I seem to have mined out the sources of information I was using - censuses, historical newspapers online, grave sites, etc. Recently added some wills and probate files, which was good but they only had a minority of my ancestors. I find every 2 to 5 years, a whole new vein of data is available. I do have a membership at Ancestry (US only, World is too expensive) and figure it's worth it to me, if nothing else because I use them as cloud storage for my photos and scanned documents. It's my only real hobby expenditure and I don't mind paying it.
You can look up their World collections at the historical library for free, and if you find any records (like a census) you can save that image and add it to your own collection later. The Mormons also have a free site where you can get many US census records and can have an online tree if you like.
I started doing my genealogy work before computers were big, Internet and so on. You had to go to a national archives site if you wanted to do any census work. Very laborious. I much prefer searching from home in my armchair!
A finger in every pie.