hellhole wrote:
Usually, if people react to you on sight, the cause is a fashion faux pas. You may also have an uncoordinated gait.
I've had a few fashion blunders in the past, but for the most part my dress sense is OK. I do have a weird walk though, could be part of the problem.
If vans beep, it is more likely that you are oblivious to traffic patterns and causing a delay.
No this is just when walking down the sidewalk, I can even remember two days ago some random guy in his car beeped at me when I was waiting to cross the road, then flipped me off. Or a few months back when I was doing gardening, some guy in a taxi beeped at me too
Something like that happened to my uncle once (he's a rather confident-looking NT). He was walking along a quiet street, and a car went by and as it did someone screamed "f**k you!!" directly at my uncle, for no reason. He didn't know the people in the car. It was just a random and unnecessary insult.
Sorry to go off-topic a bit here, but I do hate it when people beep their horns for no reason. Today in the bus station a bus-driver in a bus that was near me suddenly honked loudly at nothing really, just as sort of a joke, maybe to impress some ladies that got on his bus or something. I jumped out my skin. I do wish people had more considation for people with pace-makers, autism, or just nervy people sensitive to loud noises.