I'm not sure if I am understanding correctly or not. Are you asking specifically about one thing that keeps coming up over and over? If yes, I would say that even if it seems a 'small' thing, it clearly is not. Small is subjective. What might seem small to some people, might be a huge thing for another or others. If I am understanding correctly, it might very well be an emotion handling thing... but more importantly it would seem an unresolved issue thing, to me. I'd treat it as some kind of memory based trauma that needs to be resolved/worked through. But that's me. I tend to flip out over past things until I work through them. For me, when I get to actually doing work on past things that caused me upset, I find the present day emotion crap kinda falls into place afterwards. But I also do emotion work about it while doing the memory/thought distortion work as well... I just can't do the emotion stuff until I do the memory/thought distortion stuff. My own grasp on emotions is awful, so I need that other stuff as a starting and regrouping point. If that makes any sense. Meh.
"...don't ask me why it's just the nature of my groove..."