I've also hung out with people in dangerous places at night without being especially afraid. Twice I could possibly have died because of this. I've also been alone in potentially dangerous areas and locations at night, without being overly aware of any danger. When something did happen I became more aware of the danger on some occasions, and became quite cautious.
This reads familiar. I too had a tendency of doing ridiculously dangerous things with dangerous people when I was younger, because I could (a) not understand motivations, normal emotions and other physical and verbal cues that would have alerted others to the fact that people mean harm. I've had people pull weapons on me, and I just stared (which ironically will back a few people down) and (b) not experience normal emotional processing myself, such as fear or pain.
I am more sensible with things I can understand - in traffic situations, I can understand velocity, and I know that if I misjudge a situation cars will smash and kill me. It's purely a physical object and a natural physical property. That keeps me ahead of doing anything dangerous. I speed, but only when I know I can get away with it ok. With shifty people it's a grey area - one must understand others and their thought processes, motivations and emotions in order to preempt any danger from them, and I often can't pick that sort of thing up.
Alexithymia - 147 points.