lgm23 wrote:
Hi all, I was wondering if it is typical of Asperger's to have a very high verbal IQ and an average to low verbal IQ. My verbal IQ is 151 and my performance IQ was tested as 85. The dr said that because of the wide discrepancy in scores, a full-scale IQ would not be valid. I am also diagnosed with ADHD so I am wondering if this is because of my Asperger's, ADHD or something else.
Interesting case - difference between VIQ and PIQ is 66, which is more than four standard deviations (if one SD was 15).
Your IQ test results suggest nonverbal learning disorder (NVLD). I suppose than in USA or Canada you might be not diagnosed with Asperger's, but with NVLD instead of it (which in my opinion is not fair, because, if you have the diagnosis of Asperger's, your disorder should pervasively affect social and emotional areas, so it should not be classified as just learning disability, but as a pervasive developmental disorder).
What were your results in subscales of IQ test?
I had in verbal part:
Information 17
Digit span 11
Comprehension 13
Vocabulary 13
Similarities 13
Arithmetic 18
In nonverbal part:
Block design 14
Coding 13
Picture completion 9
Object assembly 9
Picture arrangement 8
I also had significantly higher VIQ than PIQ, but not so much - VIQ (126) was "only" 22 points higher than PIQ (104), full scale(?) IQ was 117. I was diagnosed with schizotypal disorder and OCD in addition to Asperger's. I suppose that in USA or Canada I would receive diagnosis of NVLD instead of Asperger's/PDD/ASD.