Starting to think I'm ASD too...
My partner is aspie. To be honest I only asked him out because I felt sorry for him, thinking it would be a one-off date, but we really hit it off. He's the most honest, open, genuine person I've ever met. Anyway things progressed and we're now a couple in every sense of the word if I make sense without being too explicit.
I think I think more like him than most other people, and it's great that I don't have to stop and think about whether what I'm saying is tactless, something we shouldn't talk about, offensive or whatever. But if I don't stop to think about it I usually come out with the same sort of thing he would. Maybe I'm an aspie after all, just one who has learned to be tactful to some extent.
Then when I think about growing up, I was different, especially girly stuff, I found that hard.
When all the other girls in my school class were getting their ears pierced because it was pretty or fashionable or they made you look more girly, I got mine done because I didn't want to be the odd one out. All the other girls seemed to instinctively know how to use makeup. It took me a lot of help and a lot of practice. I still can't tell the difference between sexy and slu*ty clothes. hat dress goes with what shoes that goes with what handbag that goes with what jewellery is still a complete mystery.