League_Girl wrote:
@League Girl: And there are Aspies who are not difficult at all.
"Difficult" is just a word some professionals use on a child who is more challenging than most kids but they don't have a disorder. A kid is hyper and impulsive but he doesn't have ADHD or a kid has tactile issues and has texture issues with food but they don't have sensory processing disorder, they are just sensitive, or a kid has problems with social skills and understanding things and reading social cues and body language and they also are sensitive to touch and smell and have problems with change and transitions but yet they are not autistic. But if a kid has a disorder, they are not difficult.
I think parents can use similar words about their offspring. I come from a generation where if you were fairly intelligent it was hardly ever considered you might have a disorder of some sort. I have thus never been diagnosed with anything other than a mental illness but probably if a child nowadays would have fitted ASD/NVLD, dysgraphia,dyspraxia , directional dyslexia and learning difficulties .
My mother frequently used to call me an awkward baby,toddler,child,teenager etc.
The nearest I got to the recognition of any issues was a school in Bangkok suggesting I might have what we now call cerebral palsy. I was tested and the results came up negative. No other avenue pursued.
Then at prep school;my headmaster described me to the public school headmaster as being poorly coordinated with difficulty with drawing and writing.
Public school records described me as messy and disorganised. No one though bothered to see if there was any actual disorder/problem.
At public school I was subjected to a lot of verbal bullying. Why? Because I was different-physically and socially awkward. I was introverted and shy whereas many of the boys were extroverted and boisterous, It didn't help my status amongst my peers that I was poor at sports.
During my first admission at a psych hospital I was told I was being sent to make doll's houses. I freaked out because I have very poor constructional abilities. I went into extreme avoidant mode and tried to walk in front of a hospital bus . I was summoned to see one of the pdocs. There was no attempt to find out why I had reacted as I did. Instead I was branded an awkward and troublesome teenager.
Fast forward 25 odd years and I'm asking for more help and support, and getting frustrated because I am getting nowhere. You've guessed it. Branded awkward,demanding and troublesome.
Meanwhile no help for the issues as they are just not being recognised. There was mention of very poor social skills
a couple of years ago but as for ever having any help and support for it............
Social skills training might be recognised in psych circles in the US ,but in the UK it's virtually ignored.