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Whats you IQ with formula mean x =100, s=15
x < 70 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
x < 70 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
70<=x<85 1%  1%  [ 1 ]
70<=x<85 1%  1%  [ 1 ]
85<=x<100 2%  2%  [ 3 ]
85<=x<100 2%  2%  [ 3 ]
100<=x<115 3%  3%  [ 5 ]
100<=x<115 3%  3%  [ 5 ]
115<=x<130 8%  8%  [ 14 ]
115<=x<130 8%  8%  [ 14 ]
130<=x<145 24%  24%  [ 44 ]
130<=x<145 24%  24%  [ 44 ]
145 < x 13%  13%  [ 24 ]
145 < x 13%  13%  [ 24 ]
Total votes : 182


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11 Aug 2005, 3:37 pm

I started looking through some EQ tests online and all of them pertain to situations I don't come across: job, marriage/partner, children, owning a home, having a jerky boss, going out to a party... The list goes on.

Most of them have the logical answer of the best and second best, and the other two (given that this is a four answer EQ test I tried to take and then gave up because it was TOO hypothetical and making my brain hurt) are for really stupid people or someone who's trying to be funny.


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11 Aug 2005, 5:06 pm

Sean wrote:
anbuend wrote:
I'm not Sean, but he probably either means:

1. That he can visualize things in his head in three dimensions plus time.


2. That he can visualize objects in his head as if they have a fourth spatial dimension. (Such as hypercubes.)

Or of course both.

Yes, both. Hypercubes and 6-cells are the easiest to visualize.

How on earth does one visualize a four-dimensional hypercube anyway? What does such mental imagery "look like"?


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11 Aug 2005, 5:12 pm

I am Notoriously Bad at IQ Tests, I just can't seem to 'get' them.

I have taken around 3 in my 'online' career of about 7 years and the only ones I scored >130 on were those dreadful 'PhD certified' ones, which doesn't say anything much about the value of the tests.

I took a test yesterday after seeing this poll - it was the BBC Test The Nation Quiz which can be found at then Search on the above phrase - and my score was a pitiable 90 when I had estimated myself at 100. What got to me was the short-term memory test that was worked into the test.

Insofar as these IQ tests can be said to measure anything other than the ability to pass these tests, I would be inclined to think that the BBC one would be a more realistic and credible example of these tests.

On there are three separate tests - Abstract Reasoning, Numerical Reasoning and Verbal Reasoning. My results on those were as follows:

Higher than 5% of those who took the test in Abstract Reasoning
Higher than 30% of those who took the test in Numerical Reasoning
Higher than 89% of those who took the test in Verbal Reasoning

This is not a viable sample space as the number of people who took it is unknown and since differing numbers of people as well as differing individuals will have taken some tests but not others, it is impossible to compare 'like with like'. Also, a personal theory of mine is that because it is online, the tests would have drawn more Abstract Reasoning and Numerical Reasoning types than the Verbal Reasoning ones. This would certainly help explain the massively divergent results received back from the tests.


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12 Aug 2005, 1:37 am

I've taken another I.Q. test recently, and have improved by one point! :)
To... 120.


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12 Aug 2005, 2:47 pm

adversarial wrote:
... there are three separate tests - Abstract Reasoning, Numerical Reasoning and Verbal Reasoning...

I think if you use those tests simply as a relative measure of weaknesses and strengths, they are useful. I took the one you mentioned, and the results correlated well with what I know from getting a dx and also from my experiences of life. That is to say, my powers of abstract reasoning are very poor compared to my numerical and verbal ones. That is common in people with AS, so I've read.

I wish I'd known about this when I left school and went to uni at 18, because it would have meant I could have chosen a course that required the numerical and verbal skills, rather than the abstract ones. I suppose that's a failing in the UK education system: that the exams you take up to the age of 18 generally only require you to mess around with numbers and regurgitate facts. Perhaps taking a full IQ test at 16 would better prepare certain kids for further education, or work. But things might have changed, it's a while since I was at school.

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12 Aug 2005, 8:34 pm

I've taken a lot on online IQ tests, ranging from about 122 to like 150... so i'm guessing somewhere around 125. I found that at they have some pretty good tests, I took all but one of them and ranged from 124-130, but, it costs, at minimum, $60USD to join even if you get over 126...

I'm hoping to take a real IQ test from the doctor soon

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17 Aug 2005, 8:29 am

Mine is 126 or 127. I must have taken an IQ test when I was a little kid, perhaps grade school. I do well at solving problems that can be quantified such as math, physics, economics. However, I do horribly when analyzing a line of poetry or anything related to reading comprehension.

I am shocked at the number of people here with genius level IQs.

SOmeone mentioned WAIS. Where can I take one? I don't know if they gave that type of test in the 1970's.


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17 Aug 2005, 10:27 am

For the WAIS you would most likely have to seek out a psychologist who does such testing (and it's not free). :(

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17 Aug 2005, 12:24 pm

Mine’s 151. There is a forty-three-point discrepancy between my Verbal and Performance scores, which is highly frustrating at times: “Why can’t I do this easily? I do everything else easily!”


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17 Aug 2005, 12:37 pm

I may have posted this before, or at least partly.

Verbal IQ Score on yielded a result of 126 which is supposed to be moderately good. I would have preferred 170.

Culture Fair test showed up as 102 - I simply didn't have a clue about it; too abstract by far. I am not sure how it is supposed to be 'culture fair', unless it is rigged against certain learning styles which exclude grounding in that kind of reasoning, thereby 'levelling' the 'playing field' by bringing everyone down to the same level?

I may take the other ones at some point though.

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17 Aug 2005, 1:08 pm

135 ish on online tests whats the difference between all the different types like verbal etc?

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18 Aug 2005, 8:38 am

I got a 138 on verbal IQ which is extrememly suprising. I must have guessed correctly. The IQ/SAT chart is wrong for me. I too the SAT in the 1980s, and got 1480....780 math and 700 verbal. According to the chart, I should have gotten 1400. That would make sense if I got the same score on math and verbal.


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18 Aug 2005, 6:59 pm

Mabey i shoud unsubscribe to this topic... Its depressing seeing all these reelly smart peeple here...


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18 Aug 2005, 9:08 pm

I was tested at age 14 and my IQ result was 160.


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21 Aug 2005, 4:28 pm

I especially like the fact that (at the time of my review of this topic) six percent of you have the same IQ of KOKO the gorilla.

Koko tested in the 80's and 90's for IQ...

HEHE.. whoops have a banana!

90 is absolutely cracking for a gorilla but ultimately unprovable. But still.... hehe a gorilla can do better maths than 6 percent of you! GEES LOUISE!

One of my workmates scored 80 in a test. He wasn't thick either. I love IQ tests because they make an idiot a genius and a genius an idiot because of three (or two for some of you) little numbers.

Come on guys. Forget the IQ stuff. I regularly test above 145 but I am no Genius. In fact, I'd go as far as saying I am quite stupid sometimes and I know for a fact some people who would fail these so called IQ tests purely because they can't do maths or english tests full stop and yet they can achieve brilliant things.

Einstein was a genius they say, but he couldn't read. So how the hell could he do the modern IQ tests? If you can't read the question....

Genius isn't about a persons IQ. It isn't about your deficiencies either. You might not be able to read or do maths or even talk, but you might be a genius still in my book. It only takes one extraordinary ability to make you more capable than most. I am not talking about idiot savants either.

I guarantee in another twenty years you will be able to purchase a photographic memory. You will be able to purchase genius math skills. But with a slight disadvantage. That is, they will have to destroy another ability or miswire your brain to allow this new ability. You will seem to have a savant skill but in reality you will be using a normally subconscious element of your brain consciously. The con? You won't be able to use it subconsciously again for its true purpose which might make you appear stupid sometimes. Cake and eat it? No way.

Think about it. How do we process what we see? Its a massive complex mathematical ability. We do it in the blink of an eye. We can process shapes, distance, object relativity etc. We can understand 100% of what we see visually even thought scientists have proven that we only see a slight fraction of that in reality - the rest is processed in our brains. So what does this mean for the savant? It means you are using part of your brain for a task it wasn't mean't for. Yes, it might be superb at the job and make you look exceptionally clever, but you aren't that special. Everyone is doing the same thing but subconsciously. The only difference is that you are no longer using that part of your brain for its true purpose and that true purpose is normally critical to normal existance. Hence who is really a genius. The normal person using their brain as intended or the savant?

I have an exceptional memory for a couple of days. I can rapidly retain information and pass pretty much any exam I want after two days of study. In a week I will have forgotten all of the information I have memorised. Some people call this a photographic memory. But it only lasts a few days with me and it isn't photographic. I have to re-read things to learn it. My memory is appalling in the long term. I can't remember basic things. Once I forgot my own name. I would lose the great short term memory for a long term memory. I would be able to achieve much more in my daily life instead I am pretty much screwed after a few days.


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22 Aug 2005, 4:51 pm

The only official iq test I had was a good while ago, it was either 150 or 155. Yet I seem to be getting stupider with age, I often find I have progressively more difficulty to concentrate (I'm 21). I'm starting the gluten/casein free diet, hopefully it will help for that.