Scatterbrained will do me fine. I can't go anywhere without a list of things to do, otherwise I just wander into the record shop. Yet I can tell you what CDs and records I have, the years they came out, who's in the band, all that. Yet recently I discovered I had misplaced the case for an album, and have no idea where it is. None.
The only reason I have a schedule of daily meals is that I can remember what comes next, and what day it is. That and I don't then spend half an hour deciding what to have, only to be distracted by the mail, music in my head, the aforementioned shiny things. Its funny, my overall disposition improves every time I read topics that describe, well, me. Its comforting to know that I'm not the only Aspie out there, it really is.
"Think like the whelp, think like the whelp, think like the whelp... " Captain Jack Sparrow
"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." Inigo Montoya