SplendidSnail wrote:
he might have been diagnosed if Asperger's / high functioning autism had existed in his day.
Yes, I suspect that will limit how certain many of us can be.
My Mum definitely has some traits, some of which we discovered when she assisted with my autism assessment. Her younger brother (my uncle), possibly more so. I saw him rarely as a child and not at all as an adult, as he's as reclusive as I am. But my Mum has described very often not just how similar we are as adults, but also while each of us were growing up. The childhood signs of autism that were identified in me were quite a revelation to her, as having grown up around a brother so like me, she saw absolutely nothing unusual about them until the psychologist showed an interest. There are family stories of other slightly eccentric characters in earlier generations, but far too sketchy to definitely attribute to autistic traits.
When you are fighting an invisible monster, first throw a bucket of paint over it.