SplendidSnail wrote:
I felt really uncertain about nearly every question on the test. I suspect if I were to do the test many times on different days, I would get completely different results each time.
I got that too, same as I do with most of these reductionist self-assessed psych tests. I keep seeing these questionnaires with stuff like "people often tell me I'm cold / aloof / rude / insensitive / " so opting to disagree is logically my only option, because people very rarely tell me ANYTHING about my nature. But maybe I'm just picky and stick to a small number of polite people. I see problems like that in a lot of the questions, so I think the scope for distortion is pretty high, at least for me. I scored 79, but it could have been anything. It's only a free online screening test, with the usual warning that it's not diagnostic. A much better way to test me for alexithymia would be to give me some tasks that needed emotional savvy to get right.
I was interested by the question about "I like to consider my feelings as well as practicalities when making decisions about priorities" (something like that). No use as a question because although I like to, I don't think I actually do reflect on my feelings often enough. It just interested me because I thought I probably ought to do that more.