I wouldn't say terrified, but I definitely hate talking on the phone and I generally dread emails. I have a visceral reaction every time my phone rings, buzzes, or beeps at me. Don't get me wrong, I love my phone for all of the access to information and ability to organize my life on one little device. I just literally hate calls, texts, or emails. I think it's mostly because I want to do only what I want to do when I want to do it and every time someone contacts me they want me to do something else. They are taking control of my time and mental flow, which is like a physical violation to me. I also hate to respond to something without thinking about it extensively first. I hate to be "put on the spot" where someone brings you an issue or problem and wants an immediate solution or opinion. Give me some time and I'll probably give you a killer answer, put me on the spot and you'll probably get a confrontational answer. Of all of the above mentioned method of communication, I prefer email. I prefer to only check it once or twice a day, peruse it superficially, think about which ones I want to respond to, then think about how I want to respond, then draft a response, then think about whether I want to send it, redo it a couple of times, then maaaaaybe send it within a week or so of the initial email. You may find this hard to believe after reading all of that, but I was C.O.O. of a company with about 100 employees for the last few years. If it wasn't for my problem solving and system building abilities, I would surely have been fired. True story: We got a new phone system installed, with all of the bells and whistles, wi-fi android phones with bluetooth headsets, etc. When they installed mine they set it up wrong, so it didn't work at all for over six months, not even a dial tone, and I never even noticed. When they told me it had been broken, but they had already fixed it I felt like I had just been told I won the lottery but I had to pay 100% taxes on it. Bubble burst. Fortunately, by then, everyone who ever tried to call my office phone just assumed I never returned calls, so no one ever called me on it.