ASD Survey - Please Participate
1. Do you have Asperger's or are you on the autism spectrum? (You probably know yourself fairly well, and if you're almost sure then that's good enough.)
A. No
B. Yes (official diagnosis)
C. Yes (self-diagnosed)
D. I have a lot of related traits but am not convinced.
E. I was diagnosed but remain skeptical.
2. Do you have ADHD?
A. No
B. Yes
C. I don't know.
D. I have a lot of the traits but am not convinced.
3. Do you have OCD?
A. No
B. Yes
C. I don't know.
D. I have a lot of the traits but am not convinced.
4. Do you have depression?
A. No
B. Yes, but I manage.
C. Yes; it's severe and/or chronic.
5. What's your age bracket?
A. 12-27
B. 24-56
C. 54-95
6. Do you have kid(s)?
A. Yes
B. No
7. Are you a robot?
A. No
B. Yes
8. What sex were you born with?
A. Male
B. Female
C. Hermaphrodite
9. How much do you relate to that sex?
A. Quite well.
B. I don't fit the stereotypes, but that's okay.
C. Poorly, but I am what I am.
D. I don't like to refer to myself as being of that sex.
10. What ethnicity would you primarily be, considering your ancestry?
A. Caucasian
B. Caucasian, and I'm from Europe
C. Asian-East (China, Japan, Korea, etc.)
D. Asian-South (Indonesia, India, etc.)
E. Middle-Eastern
F. African
G. Native American
H. Other (Aboriginal, anything I missed)
11. What are your theological beliefs? (agnostic, monotheistic, etc.)
12. How intelligent would you be considered to be?
A. Below Average
B. Average
C. Above Average
D. Gifted
E. Genius
13. Are you asexual?
A. No
B. Yes
C. Yes, and aromantic
D. I'm demisexual
14. On a scale from 1-10, how much do each of the following things bother you? (1 being "I rather like that", 5 being "I can ignore it", and 10 being "this is driving me mad and I need to escape")
a-a car alarm that won't turn off
b-an audibly dripping sink
c-loud music that you don't like
d-loud music that you do like
e-off-key singing
f-a song you know being sung entirely differently
g-offbeat clapping
h-speaker feedback
i-hearing flip-flops
j-loud chewing
l-being blown on
m-a draft
n-the feel of squeezing a cotton ball
o-a scratchy clothes tag
p-tight clothing
q-certain kinds of fabric
r-having to wear pants
s-uncomfortable shoes
t-socks being on the wrong feet
u-direct sunlight
v-bright florescent lighting
w-a jiggling lightbulb
x-dim lighting
y-a person reading over your shoulder
z-continuity errors in a plot
å-illogical choices by supposedly smart TV characters
ä-poor grammar
ö-a typo on a sign
15. On a scale from 1-10, how much do each of the following things interest you? (1 being "it doesn't concern me in the slightest", 5 being "somewhat interesting, but doesn't hold my attention for long", and 10 being "if this gets mentioned, I may be focused on the topic for hours")
a-lists and charts
b-math with a purpose
c-theoretical math
i-a specific era of history
l-string, textiles, etc.
n-simulation games
o-strategy games
p-classic board games
q-tabletop gaming
r-methods of death
å-a specific series
16. On a scale from 1-10, how aware would you be of the following things? (1 being "I could be watching a powerpoint presentation about it and still be totally oblivious", 5 being "about as aware as most people", and 10 being "I'm always the first to pick up on that") [N/A is an acceptable response]
a-two coworkers/classmates are romantically interested in each other
b-two coworkers/classmates have been dating for weeks
c-two coworkers/classmates have been having sex covertly
d-a close friend has a crush on someone
e-a close friend has a new significant other
f-someone has a crush on you and has been flirting
g-your romantic interest is interested in you
h-two coworkers/classmates have had a recent falling-out
i-two coworkers/classmates haven't been speaking to each other for weeks
j-two close friends have had a recent falling-out
k-your social group is slowly falling to pieces from internal drama
l-the friends you keep talking to are hoping you'll leave them alone
l-someone is lying
m-someone is using sarcasm
n-someone is mocking you
o-you stink
p-your shirt is on inside-out
q-that outfit looks terrible on you
r-someone's outfit looks terrible on them
s-a person has a peculiar gait
t-loose hairs sticking out
u-a coworker/classmate changed their hairstyle
v-there is a coin between some rocks
w-the truck that drove past had a part missing
x-the website isn't coded very well
y-something is misspelled or mispunctuated
z-maintenance issues
17. Which of the following do you do unintentionally? Give a 1 for those you don't do, a 2 for those you used to do frequently (as a baby doesn't count), a 3 for those you sometimes do, and a 4 for those you frequently do.
a. Toe-twitching
b. Leg-bouncing
c. Rocking
d. Fiddling with things in your hands
e. Shredding paper
f. Sucking on a finger
g. Sucking on your tongue/teeth
h. Playing with hair
i. Sucking or chewing on hair (N/A if too short)
j. Spinning
k. Counting
l. Pacing
m. Arm-biting
18. How easily are you distracted?
A. Pretty easily, to- lizard!...*follows the lizard*
B. Sometimes I'm distracted, but- squirrel!...sorry, what was the question?
C. When I'm distracted, I usually- bird!...can bounce right back to the topic.
D. I don't get distracted that easily.
19. How's your eye contact?
A. If I'm talking to someone, I lock eyes with them. I stare into their soul.
B. Regular, nothing weird.
C. I know I'm supposed to make eye contact, so I do, then I wonder whether it's been too long, so I look away. Repeat.
D. I look toward their head. Close enough, right?
E. I usually forget about eye contact and just stare at a wall or something.
F. Eye contact is frowned upon in my culture.
20. On a scale from 1-5, how comfortable would you be letting the following people hug you? [1 being "I couldn't stand it", 5 being "completely"]
a. My mom
b. My dad
c. Siblings
d. My significant other
e. My closest friend(s)
f. Extended family
g. Casual friends, female
h. Casual friends, male
i. Acquaintances, female
j. Acquaintances, male
k. Strangers
l. Celebrities
21. Does rhythm come easily to you?
A. No; I'm poor at it.
B. Mine is average.
C. Yes
22. Does tone come easily to you?
A. I can't distinguish it.
B. No; I'm poor at it.
C. Mine is average.
D. Yes
23. Do you talk to yourself? (Occasional single words don't count.)
A. Yes
B. Occasionally
C. No
D. Yes, but only when there are others around.
E. Yes, but only when alone.
24. On a scale from 1-5, how much do you rely on the following to remember people? [1 being "never", 5 being "this is my usual method"]
a. faces
b. names
c. hair
d. body type
e. clothing
f. location/situation
25. Gravity makes the apple fall to the ground.
A. True
B. False
C. This is complicated.
26. When it comes to objects (including pens, cars, stuffed animals, clothing), how attached are you to them?
A. I like to throw things out and freshen up my stuff rather often.
B. If an object is useful or nice I try to keep it around. If it breaks I can swap it out, no big deal.
C. I am pretty sentimental. When an object I like gets damaged I will do a bit to get it fixed or feel bad about the loss.
D. I name many objects I am close to, sometimes even assigning them personalities. I talk to these things and losing them can really wreck my emotions. I will grieve.
27. From 1-5, how much are you inclined to trust the following people to do as they said they would? [1 being "never", 5 being "always"]
a. a parent
b. a close friend
c. an acquaintance
d. a stranger
e. a person with authority, such as a club president
28. You find out that a friend has told you a white lie. What is your reaction? (You may choose more than one.)
A. They are a liar; I cannot be friends with them anymore.
B. I do not understand why people do this.
C. I'll assume it was a misunderstanding.
D. They must have had a reason, such as protecting someone's feelings or privacy. I will let it pass.
E. What is a "white lie"? A lie is a lie.
29. On a scale from 1-7, how much do the following changes upset you? (1 being "I think I'd enjoy that", 4 being "I could live with it", 7 being "I am petrified") [N/A is an acceptable response.]
a. A familiar food that you like was made differently than you're used to.
b. Your appointment was cancelled at the last minute.
c. Your neighbor moves out and another moves in.
d. A friend/family member gets a new car.
e. A survey asks to rate from 1-10 or 1-5, then changes to 1-7 with no explanation.
f. A radical change in hair or clothing style in a close friend.
g. Someone has moved something in your room.
h. Your family's vacation plans were changed a few days before the trip and you're going somewhere you hadn't expected.
i. You thought your afternoon would be free, but realize you have to go meet someone.
j. You are expected to create an account that you'll probably never use again but will always exist.
30. Are you stubborn?
A. Nah.
B. I can be, if it's an important issue.
C. I can be stubborn about issues that everyone else would find petty or trivial.
D. I'm stubborn about practically everything.
31. Please list the following in order of how you would most like to spend some time to how you would least like to spend time.
A- doing nothing
B- working on a craft, baking, etc.
C- learning about something fascinating
D- with close friends
E- attending a fun gathering with many people, some of whom you know
F- with lots of animals
G- being intimate with my significant other
H- connecting with people online
32. How is your handwriting?
A. Chicken-scratching
B. Legible
C. Neat
D. Pretty
33. Which of the following have you done frequently enough to notice a pattern? (You many choose more than one.)
A. stabbing my pinky toe on doorframes
B. bumping my hips on doorknobs
C. making typos that don't make sense, like "pill" instead of "bill"
D. making typos when writing by hand (This isn't bad handwriting or simply misspelling a word; it's writing the wrong letter when you know fully well how to spell the word.)
E. reaching for something but knocking it over
F. tripping over my own feet
34. Give a 1 for those you disagree with, a 2 for those you agree with somewhat, and a 3 for those you agree with strongly.
a. I'm more respectful toward a person in authority.
b. I hold those in authority to a higher standard.
c. Bums are not respectable.
d. I would rather talk to an influential businesswoman than to a middle-aged housewife.
e. I would trust an English professor if he disagreed with my smart friend about grammar.
f. If a 6-year-old is talking to an adult, I don't mind interrupting them, but I would wait for a pause if two adults are talking.
35. What do you think of asking, "How are you?" as a greeting, without needing a response?
A. It's friendly and casual.
B. It's confusing and absurd.
C. It's extremely annoying.
36. You are told that a person you have known for most of your life but weren't close to is terminally ill. How do you react? (You may choose more than one.)
A. I decide to visit them and hopefully make them feel better.
B. I am saddened.
C. I am somewhat disappointed.
D. I am briefly surprised.
E. I'm uninterested.
Logical Sensory Extrovert (ESTj) . Enneagram 1-6-2
Protestant . Female . Asexual . self-diagnosed Aspie
I enjoy charts, knitting, gaming, and interacting with real but atypical people.
37. When you don't get many responses to a lengthy survey about people's autistic traits, is it because:
A: You haven't given any indication what you will use this information for.
B: You haven't shown any credentials indicating that you are a professional or student of a relevant profession.
C: Many forum member have seen so many requests like this on the forum that we can't be bothered with them any more.
D: You haven't indicated whether the site owner* has given you permission for such a survey, as per the forum user agreement.
E: All of the above.
*The site owner contact details can be found through the "contact" link at the bottom of the page.
When you are fighting an invisible monster, first throw a bucket of paint over it.
Joined: 19 Jul 2017
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Posts: 3,754
Location: Stampy's Lovely World
1. B- Yes (official diagnosis)
2. A- No
3. B- Yes (official diagnosis)
4. B- Yes, but I manage (with medication)
5. A- 12-27
6. B- No
7. A- No
8. B- Female
9. B- I don’t fit the stereotypes
10. B- Caucasian; European
11. Monotheistic; Christian
12. C- Above average
13. A- No (but I don’t desire intimate relationships)
a- 6
b- 3
c- 9
d- 6
e- 5
f- 6
g- 2
h- 9 or 10
i- 4
j- 7
k- 2
l- 3
m- 2
n- 5
o- 8
p- 1
q- 9 or 10
r- 1
s- 4
t- 6
u- 6
v- 5 or 6
w- 5
x- 1
y- 6
z- ?
å- 6
ä- 7
ö- 7.5
a- 8 (depending on the subject)
b- 6
c- 3
d- 5
e- 2
f- 3
g- 5
h- 3
i- 6
j- 2
k- 3
l- 2
m- 2
n- 6
o- 4
p- 4
q- 3
r- 1
s- 1
t- 2
u- 1
v- 1
w- 3
x- 1
y- 2
z- 8
å- 9 or 10
a- 2
b- 1 or 2
c- 1
d- 2
e- N/A
f- 3?
g- don’t have one: N/A
h- 3 or 4
i- 3 or 4
j- 5
k- N/A
l- 7
L2- 8
m- 3
n- 4
o- 4
p- 8
q- 3
r- 3
s- 6
t- 6
u- 6
v- 7
w- 7
x- 5
y- 9
z- ?: N/A
a- 2
b- 2
c- 3
d- 3
e- 3
f- 1
g- 4
h- 2
i- 1
j- 3
k- 2
l- 3.5
m- 1.5
18. B
19. D
a- 3
b- 2
c- 4
d- N/A
e- 3
f- 3
g- 2
h- 3
i- 2
j- 2
k- 2
l- 2
21. C
22. C
23. E
a- 1
b- 4
c- 5
d- 2
e- 4
f- 4
25. What? A
26. D
a- 5
b- 5
c- 4
d- 3
e- 5
28. D
a- 6
b- 6
c- 4
d- 5
e- Troll
f- 6
g- 4.5
h- 6
i- 6
j- 2
30. D
31. C, H, F, D, G, B, E, A
32. D
33. F, B
a- 3
b- 3
c- 1
d- 2
e- 3
f- 2
35. B (probably)
36. B
Thanks for posting! I’d be interested if you can share the results and/or purpose for the quiz.
Hi! I'm Stampy (not the actual YouTuber, just a fan!) and I have been diagnosed professionally with ASD and OCD and likely have TS. If you have any questions or just want to talk, please feel free to PM me!
Current Interests: Stampy Cat, AGT, and Medicine
Thanks, Trogluddite.
A-I will use this information to make a bunch of charts to share with y'all so ye can have nice visuals clarifying how strongly traits are related to Asperger's or to each other. I will also share the charts with some of my friends.
B-I'm not a professional or a student of a relevant profession. I'm just an aspie with a passion for sorting data, and I will spend my free time graphing useless information if I have to, but this could have a valid point to it.
C-It didn't occur to me that people would get tired of filling these out, but I can't do anything about that.
D. I sent the email and am waiting for a response. But as I spent days collaborating to put together these questions, and have already received some responses from out-of-forum neurotypicals, it will be very discouraging if I'm turned down.
And thank you, StampySquiddyFan.
Logical Sensory Extrovert (ESTj) . Enneagram 1-6-2
Protestant . Female . Asexual . self-diagnosed Aspie
I enjoy charts, knitting, gaming, and interacting with real but atypical people.
Joined: 19 Jul 2017
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Posts: 3,754
Location: Stampy's Lovely World
No problem ^
Hi! I'm Stampy (not the actual YouTuber, just a fan!) and I have been diagnosed professionally with ASD and OCD and likely have TS. If you have any questions or just want to talk, please feel free to PM me!
Current Interests: Stampy Cat, AGT, and Medicine
A-I will use this information to make a bunch of charts to share with y'all so ye can have nice visuals clarifying how strongly traits are related to Asperger's or to each other. I will also share the charts with some of my friends.
B-I'm not a professional or a student of a relevant profession. I'm just an aspie with a passion for sorting data, and I will spend my free time graphing useless information if I have to, but this could have a valid point to it.
C-It didn't occur to me that people would get tired of filling these out, but I can't do anything about that.
D. I sent the email and am waiting for a response. But as I spent days collaborating to put together these questions, and have already received some responses from out-of-forum neurotypicals, it will be very discouraging if I'm turned down.
And thank you, StampySquiddyFan.
How will you account for sampling bias, which so particularly infects survey techniques?
A. No
B. Yes (official diagnosis)
C. Yes (self-diagnosed)
D. I have a lot of related traits but am not convinced.
E. I was diagnosed but remain skeptical.
2. Do you have ADHD?
A. No
B. Yes
C. I don't know.
D. I have a lot of the traits but am not convinced.
3. Do you have OCD?
A. No
B. Yes
C. I don't know.
D. I have a lot of the traits but am not convinced.
4. Do you have depression?
A. No
B. Yes, but I manage.
C. Yes; it's severe and/or chronic.
5. What's your age bracket?
A. 12-27
B. 24-56
C. 54-95
6. Do you have kid(s)?
A. Yes
B. No
7. Are you a robot?
A. No
B. Yes
8. What sex were you born with?
A. Male
B. Female
C. Hermaphrodite
9. How much do you relate to that sex?
A. Quite well.
B. I don't fit the stereotypes, but that's okay.
C. Poorly, but I am what I am.
D. I don't like to refer to myself as being of that sex.
10. What ethnicity would you primarily be, considering your ancestry?
A. Caucasian
B. Caucasian, and I'm from Europe
C. Asian-East (China, Japan, Korea, etc.)
D. Asian-South (Indonesia, India, etc.)
E. Middle-Eastern
F. African
G. Native American
H. Other (Aboriginal, anything I missed)
11. What are your theological beliefs? (agnostic, monotheistic, etc.)
12. How intelligent would you be considered to be?
A. Below Average
B. Average
C. Above Average
D. Gifted
E. Genius
13. Are you asexual?
A. No
B. Yes
C. Yes, and aromantic
D. I'm demisexual
14. On a scale from 1-10, how much do each of the following things bother you? (1 being "I rather like that", 5 being "I can ignore it", and 10 being "this is driving me mad and I need to escape")
a-a car alarm that won't turn off - 8
b-an audibly dripping sink - 10
c-loud music that you don't like - 10
d-loud music that you do like - 1
e-off-key singing - 10
f-a song you know being sung entirely differently - 5
g-offbeat clapping - 8
h-speaker feedback - 7
i-hearing flip-flops 5
j-loud chewing - 10
k-saliva - 10
l-being blown on - 7
m-a draft - 7
n-the feel of squeezing a cotton ball - 5
o-a scratchy clothes tag - 10
p-tight clothing - 3
q-certain kinds of fabric - 5
r-having to wear pants - 7
s-uncomfortable shoes - 10
t-socks being on the wrong feet - 10 (socks full stop - i hate wearing them and never do)
u-direct sunlight - 7
v-bright florescent lighting - 10
w-a jiggling lightbulb - 5
x-dim lighting - 1
y-a person reading over your shoulder -10
z-continuity errors in a plot - 7
å-illogical choices by supposedly smart TV characters - 10
ä-poor grammar -10
ö-a typo on a sign - 5
15. On a scale from 1-10, how much do each of the following things interest you? (1 being "it doesn't concern me in the slightest", 5 being "somewhat interesting, but doesn't hold my attention for long", and 10 being "if this gets mentioned, I may be focused on the topic for hours")
a-lists and charts - 1
b-math with a purpose - 8
c-theoretical math - 5
d-legos - 1
e-vehicles - 1
f-linguistics - 3
g-etymology - 1
h-literature - 3
i-a specific era of history - 1
j-dinosaurs - 1
k-animals - 6
l-string, textiles, etc. - 1
m-computers - 5
n-simulation games - 1
o-strategy games - 5
p-classic board games- 7
q-tabletop gaming - 5
r-methods of death - 1
s-weapons - 1
t-chemistry - 7
u-fashion - 1
v-sports - 8
w-politics - 5
x-movies - 2
y-food - 8
z-music - 10
å-a specific series - 10
16. On a scale from 1-10, how aware would you be of the following things? (1 being "I could be watching a powerpoint presentation about it and still be totally oblivious", 5 being "about as aware as most people", and 10 being "I'm always the first to pick up on that") [N/A is an acceptable response]
a-two coworkers/classmates are romantically interested in each other - 5
b-two coworkers/classmates have been dating for weeks - 1
c-two coworkers/classmates have been having sex covertly - 1
d-a close friend has a crush on someone - 5
e-a close friend has a new significant other - 8
f-someone has a crush on you and has been flirting - 1
g-your romantic interest is interested in you - 1
h-two coworkers/classmates have had a recent falling-out - 1
i-two coworkers/classmates haven't been speaking to each other for weeks - 1
j-two close friends have had a recent falling-out - 1
k-your social group is slowly falling to pieces from internal drama - 1
l-the friends you keep talking to are hoping you'll leave them alone - 1
l-someone is lying - 1
m-someone is using sarcasm - 3
n-someone is mocking you - 5
o-you stink - 10
p-your shirt is on inside-out - 5
q-that outfit looks terrible on you - 2
r-someone's outfit looks terrible on them - 10
s-a person has a peculiar gait - 10
t-loose hairs sticking out - 3
u-a coworker/classmate changed their hairstyle - 5
v-there is a coin between some rocks - 1
w-the truck that drove past had a part missing - 1
x-the website isn't coded very well - 1
y-something is misspelled or mispunctuated - 5
z-maintenance issues - 1
17. Which of the following do you do unintentionally? Give a 1 for those you don't do, a 2 for those you used to do frequently (as a baby doesn't count), a 3 for those you sometimes do, and a 4 for those you frequently do.
a. Toe-twitching - 1
b. Leg-bouncing - 3
c. Rocking - 1
d. Fiddling with things in your hands - 3
e. Shredding paper - 1
f. Sucking on a finger - 2
g. Sucking on your tongue/teeth - 3
h. Playing with hair - 3
i. Sucking or chewing on hair (N/A if too short) - 1
j. Spinning (i don't spin fully but i kind of swing /half spin left and right sometimes) - 3
k. Counting - 3
l. Pacing - 3
m. Arm-biting - 1
18. How easily are you distracted?
A. Pretty easily, to- lizard!...*follows the lizard*
B. Sometimes I'm distracted, but- squirrel!...sorry, what was the question?
C. When I'm distracted, I usually- bird!...can bounce right back to the topic.
D. I don't get distracted that easily.
19. How's your eye contact?
A. If I'm talking to someone, I lock eyes with them. I stare into their soul.
B. Regular, nothing weird.
C. I know I'm supposed to make eye contact, so I do, then I wonder whether it's been too long, so I look away. Repeat.
D. I look toward their head. Close enough, right?
E. I usually forget about eye contact and just stare at a wall or something.
F. Eye contact is frowned upon in my culture.
20. On a scale from 1-5, how comfortable would you be letting the following people hug you? [1 being "I couldn't stand it", 5 being "completely"]
a. My mom - 3
b. My dad - 3
c. Siblings - 3
d. My significant other - 5
e. My closest friend(s) -3
f. Extended family - 1
g. Casual friends, female - 1
h. Casual friends, male - 2
i. Acquaintances, female -2
j. Acquaintances, male - 1
k. Strangers - 1
l. Celebrities -1
21. Does rhythm come easily to you?
A. No; I'm poor at it.
B. Mine is average.
C. Yes
22. Does tone come easily to you?
A. I can't distinguish it.
B. No; I'm poor at it.
C. Mine is average.
D. Yes
23. Do you talk to yourself? (Occasional single words don't count.)
A. Yes
B. Occasionally
C. No
D. Yes, but only when there are others around.
E. Yes, but only when alone.
24. On a scale from 1-5, how much do you rely on the following to remember people? [1 being "never", 5 being "this is my usual method"]
a. faces - 5
b. names -3
c. hair - 1
d. body type - 3
e. clothing - 1
f. location/situation - 4
25. Gravity makes the apple fall to the ground.
A. True
B. False
C. This is complicated.
26. When it comes to objects (including pens, cars, stuffed animals, clothing), how attached are you to them?
A. I like to throw things out and freshen up my stuff rather often.
B. If an object is useful or nice I try to keep it around. If it breaks I can swap it out, no big deal.
C. I am pretty sentimental. When an object I like gets damaged I will do a bit to get it fixed or feel bad about the loss.
D. I name many objects I am close to, sometimes even assigning them personalities. I talk to these things and losing them can really wreck my emotions. I will grieve.
27. From 1-5, how much are you inclined to trust the following people to do as they said they would? [1 being "never", 5 being "always"]
a. a parent - 4
b. a close friend - 3
c. an acquaintance - 2
d. a stranger - 2
e. a person with authority, such as a club president - 1
28. You find out that a friend has told you a white lie. What is your reaction? (You may choose more than one.)
A. They are a liar; I cannot be friends with them anymore.
B. I do not understand why people do this.
C. I'll assume it was a misunderstanding.
D. They must have had a reason, such as protecting someone's feelings or privacy. I will let it pass.
E. What is a "white lie"? A lie is a lie.
29. On a scale from 1-7, how much do the following changes upset you? (1 being "I think I'd enjoy that", 4 being "I could live with it", 7 being "I am petrified") [N/A is an acceptable response.]
a. A familiar food that you like was made differently than you're used to. - 6
b. Your appointment was cancelled at the last minute. - 7
c. Your neighbor moves out and another moves in. - 6
d. A friend/family member gets a new car. - 1
e. A survey asks to rate from 1-10 or 1-5, then changes to 1-7 with no explanation. - 4
f. A radical change in hair or clothing style in a close friend. -5
g. Someone has moved something in your room. - 7
h. Your family's vacation plans were changed a few days before the trip and you're going somewhere you hadn't expected. - 7
i. You thought your afternoon would be free, but realize you have to go meet someone. - 7
j. You are expected to create an account that you'll probably never use again but will always exist. - 6
30. Are you stubborn?
A. Nah.
B. I can be, if it's an important issue.
C. I can be stubborn about issues that everyone else would find petty or trivial.
D. I'm stubborn about practically everything.
31. Please list the following in order of how you would most like to spend some time to how you would least like to spend time.
A- doing nothing
B- working on a craft, baking, etc.
C- learning about something fascinating
D- with close friends
E- attending a fun gathering with many people, some of whom you know
F- with lots of animals
G- being intimate with my significant other
H- connecting with people online
32. How is your handwriting?
A. Chicken-scratching
B. Legible
C. Neat
D. Pretty
33. Which of the following have you done frequently enough to notice a pattern? (You many choose more than one.)
A. stabbing my pinky toe on doorframes
B. bumping my hips on doorknobs
C. making typos that don't make sense, like "pill" instead of "bill"
D. making typos when writing by hand (This isn't bad handwriting or simply misspelling a word; it's writing the wrong letter when you know fully well how to spell the word.)
E. reaching for something but knocking it over
F. tripping over my own feet
34. Give a 1 for those you disagree with, a 2 for those you agree with somewhat, and a 3 for those you agree with strongly.
a. I'm more respectful toward a person in authority - 3.
b. I hold those in authority to a higher standard. - 3
c. Bums are not respectable. - 3
d. I would rather talk to an influential businesswoman than to a middle-aged housewife. - 1
e. I would trust an English professor if he disagreed with my smart friend about grammar. - 2
f. If a 6-year-old is talking to an adult, I don't mind interrupting them, but I would wait for a pause if two adults are talking. - 1
35. What do you think of asking, "How are you?" as a greeting, without needing a response?
A. It's friendly and casual.
B. It's confusing and absurd.
C. It's extremely annoying.
36. You are told that a person you have known for most of your life but weren't close to is terminally ill. How do you react? (You may choose more than one.)
A. I decide to visit them and hopefully make them feel better.
B. I am saddened.
C. I am somewhat disappointed.
D. I am briefly surprised.
E. I'm uninterested.
I'm working with ASD, generalised anxiety disorder and recurrent depression and they frequently kick my ***
It's hard, but I'm doing the best I can.
I'm asking here on this forum, acquaintances on another forum (which seems to attract more aspies than would be expected), family members, other friends, and asking them to pass it on to their friends.
I could even try handing it to people at church or at work, but because of its length they'd be more inclined to decline. Plus irl people would be more interested in why I'm interested in this subject, and that would break my cover.
Also, my circle of friends is international, which helps.
I'm open to more suggestions on handling that issue if you have them.
Logical Sensory Extrovert (ESTj) . Enneagram 1-6-2
Protestant . Female . Asexual . self-diagnosed Aspie
I enjoy charts, knitting, gaming, and interacting with real but atypical people.
Joined: 17 Jul 2004
Age: 50
Gender: Male
Posts: 117,297
Location: In my little Olympic World of peace and love
1. Do you have Asperger's or are you on the autism spectrum? (You probably know yourself fairly well, and if you're almost sure then that's good enough.)
B. Yes (official diagnosis)
2. Do you have ADHD?
A. No
3. Do you have OCD?
A. No
4. Do you have depression?
B. Yes, but I manage.
5. What's your age bracket?
B. 24-56
6. Do you have kid(s)?
C. Do candy eating Sweet Peas named Om Nom count?
7. Are you a robot?
A. No
8. What sex were you born with?
B. Female
9. How much do you relate to that sex?
D. I don't like to refer to myself as being of that sex to the point that I wear German helmets.
10. What ethnicity would you primarily be, considering your ancestry?
A. Caucasian
11. What are your theological beliefs? (agnostic, monotheistic, etc.)
I'm more spiritual than religious
12. How intelligent would you be considered to be?
C. Above Average
13. Are you asexual?
E. I'm Peasexual. I like pea-like plushies that I can cuddle with.
14. On a scale from 1-10, how much do each of the following things bother you? (1 being "I rather like that", 5 being "I can ignore it", and 10 being "this is driving me mad and I need to escape")
a-a car alarm that won't turn off 10
b-an audibly dripping sink 5
c-loud music that you don't like 10
d-loud music that you do like 1
e-off-key singing 10
f-a song you know being sung entirely differently 10
g-offbeat clapping 5
h-speaker feedback 1
i-hearing flip-flops 5
j-loud chewing 10
k-saliva 5
l-being blown on 10
m-a draft 1
n-the feel of squeezing a cotton ball 1
o-a scratchy clothes tag 5
p-tight clothing 10
q-certain kinds of fabric 5
r-having to wear pants 1
s-uncomfortable shoes 10
t-socks being on the wrong feet 5
u-direct sunlight 10
v-bright florescent lighting 1
w-a jiggling lightbulb 10
x-dim lighting 10
y-a person reading over your shoulder 10
z-continuity errors in a plot 5
å-illogical choices by supposedly smart TV characters 5
ä-poor grammar 1
ö-a typo on a sign 5
15. On a scale from 1-10, how much do each of the following things interest you? (1 being "it doesn't concern me in the slightest", 5 being "somewhat interesting, but doesn't hold my attention for long", and 10 being "if this gets mentioned, I may be focused on the topic for hours")
a-lists and charts 10
b-math with a purpose 1
c-theoretical math 1
d-legos 10
e-vehicles 10
f-linguistics 1
g-etymology 1
h-literature 5
i-a specific era of history 10
j-dinosaurs 5
k-animals 5
l-string, textiles, etc. 10
m-computers 10
n-simulation games 5
o-strategy games 1
p-classic board games 10
q-tabletop gaming 10
r-methods of death 1
s-weapons 10
t-chemistry 1
u-fashion 1
v-sports 5
w-politics 10
x-movies 5
y-food 5
z-music 10
å-a specific series 10
16. On a scale from 1-10, how aware would you be of the following things? (1 being "I could be watching a powerpoint presentation about it and still be totally oblivious", 5 being "about as aware as most people", and 10 being "I'm always the first to pick up on that") [N/A is an acceptable response]
a-two coworkers/classmates are romantically interested in each other 5
b-two coworkers/classmates have been dating for weeks 1
c-two coworkers/classmates have been having sex covertly 1
d-a close friend has a crush on someone 5
e-a close friend has a new significant other 5
f-someone has a crush on you and has been flirting N/A
g-your romantic interest is interested in you N/A
h-two coworkers/classmates have had a recent falling-out 5
i-two coworkers/classmates haven't been speaking to each other for weeks 5
j-two close friends have had a recent falling-out 5
k-your social group is slowly falling to pieces from internal drama 5
l-the friends you keep talking to are hoping you'll leave them alone 10
l-someone is lying 10
m-someone is using sarcasm 1
n-someone is mocking you 10
o-you stink 10
p-your shirt is on inside-out 5
q-that outfit looks terrible on you 1
r-someone's outfit looks terrible on them 5
s-a person has a peculiar gait 10
t-loose hairs sticking out 10
u-a coworker/classmate changed their hairstyle 5
v-there is a coin between some rocks 10
w-the truck that drove past had a part missing 10
x-the website isn't coded very well 5
y-something is misspelled or mispunctuated 1
z-maintenance issues 5
17. Which of the following do you do unintentionally? Give a 1 for those you don't do, a 2 for those you used to do frequently (as a baby doesn't count), a 3 for those you sometimes do, and a 4 for those you frequently do.
a. Toe-twitching 4
b. Leg-bouncing 4
c. Rocking 2
d. Fiddling with things in your hands 3
e. Shredding paper 2
f. Sucking on a finger 1
g. Sucking on your tongue/teeth 4
h. Playing with hair 4
i. Sucking or chewing on hair (N/A if too short) N/A
j. Spinning 2
k. Counting 3
l. Pacing 4
m. Arm-biting 1
18. How easily are you distracted?
D. I don't get distracted that easily.
19. How's your eye contact?
D. I look toward their head. Close enough, right?
20. On a scale from 1-5, how comfortable would you be letting the following people hug you? [1 being "I couldn't stand it", 5 being "completely"]
a. My mom 5
b. My dad 5
c. Siblings 5
d. My significant other N/A
e. My closest friend(s) 5
f. Extended family 3
g. Casual friends, female 5
h. Casual friends, male 1
i. Acquaintances, female 3
j. Acquaintances, male 1
k. Strangers 1
l. Celebrities 3
21. Does rhythm come easily to you?
C. Yes
22. Does tone come easily to you?
B. No; I'm poor at it.
23. Do you talk to yourself? (Occasional single words don't count.)
E. Yes, but only when alone.
24. On a scale from 1-5, how much do you rely on the following to remember people? [1 being "never", 5 being "this is my usual method"]
a. faces 5
b. names 1
c. hair 3
d. body type 5
e. clothing 5
f. location/situation 3
25. Gravity makes the apple fall to the ground.
A. True
26. When it comes to objects (including pens, cars, stuffed animals, clothing), how attached are you to them?
D. I name many objects I am close to, sometimes even assigning them personalities. I talk to these things and losing them can really wreck my emotions. I will grieve.
27. From 1-5, how much are you inclined to trust the following people to do as they said they would? [1 being "never", 5 being "always"]
a. a parent 1
b. a close friend 5
c. an acquaintance 3
d. a stranger 1
e. a person with authority, such as a club president 5
28. You find out that a friend has told you a white lie. What is your reaction? (You may choose more than one.)
E. What is a "white lie"? A lie is a lie.
29. On a scale from 1-7, how much do the following changes upset you? (1 being "I think I'd enjoy that", 4 being "I could live with it", 7 being "I am petrified") [N/A is an acceptable response.]
a. A familiar food that you like was made differently than you're used to. 7
b. Your appointment was cancelled at the last minute. 4
c. Your neighbor moves out and another moves in. 7
d. A friend/family member gets a new car. 1
e. A survey asks to rate from 1-10 or 1-5, then changes to 1-7 with no explanation. 7
f. A radical change in hair or clothing style in a close friend. 1
g. Someone has moved something in your room. 7
h. Your family's vacation plans were changed a few days before the trip and you're going somewhere you hadn't expected. 4
i. You thought your afternoon would be free, but realize you have to go meet someone. 4
j. You are expected to create an account that you'll probably never use again but will always exist. 1
30. Are you stubborn?
D. I'm stubborn about practically everything.
31. Please list the following in order of how you would most like to spend some time to how you would least like to spend time.
A- connecting with people online
B- working on a craft, baking, etc.
C- with close friends
D- learning about something fascinating
E- with lots of animals
F- attending a fun gathering with many people, some of whom you know
G- doing nothing
32. How is your handwriting?
A. Chicken-scratching
33. Which of the following have you done frequently enough to notice a pattern? (You many choose more than one.)
C. making typos that don't make sense, like "pill" instead of "bill"
D. making typos when writing by hand (This isn't bad handwriting or simply misspelling a word; it's writing the wrong letter when you know fully well how to spell the word.)
F. tripping over my own feet
34. Give a 1 for those you disagree with, a 2 for those you agree with somewhat, and a 3 for those you agree with strongly.
a. I'm more respectful toward a person in authority. 3
b. I hold those in authority to a higher standard. 3
c. Bums are not respectable. 1
d. I would rather talk to an influential businesswoman than to a middle-aged housewife. 1
e. I would trust an English professor if he disagreed with my smart friend about grammar. 2
f. If a 6-year-old is talking to an adult, I don't mind interrupting them, but I would wait for a pause if two adults are talking. 1
35. What do you think of asking, "How are you?" as a greeting, without needing a response?
C. It's extremely annoying.
36. You are told that a person you have known for most of your life but weren't close to is terminally ill. How do you react? (You may choose more than one.)
A. I decide to visit them and hopefully make them feel better.
The Family Enigma
C. Do candy eating Sweet Peas named Om Nom count?
I don't believe so, but I'm confused at how you got peas to eat candy.
Logical Sensory Extrovert (ESTj) . Enneagram 1-6-2
Protestant . Female . Asexual . self-diagnosed Aspie
I enjoy charts, knitting, gaming, and interacting with real but atypical people.
1. Do you have Asperger's or are you on the autism spectrum? (You probably know yourself fairly well, and if you're almost sure then that's good enough.)
C. Yes (self-diagnosed)
2. Do you have ADHD?
A. No
3. Do you have OCD?
B. Yes
4. Do you have depression?
B. Yes, but I manage.
5. What's your age bracket?
B. 24-56
6. Do you have kid(s)?
A. Yes
7. Are you a robot?
A. No
8. What sex were you born with?
A. Male
9. How much do you relate to that sex?
A. Quite well.
10. What ethnicity would you primarily be, considering your ancestry?
A. Caucasian
11. What are your theological beliefs? (agnostic, monotheistic, etc.)
12. How intelligent would you be considered to be?
C. Above Average
13. Are you asexual?
A. No
14. On a scale from 1-10, how much do each of the following things bother you? (1 being "I rather like that", 5 being "I can ignore it", and 10 being "this is driving me mad and I need to escape")
15. On a scale from 1-10, how much do each of the following things interest you? (1 being "it doesn't concern me in the slightest", 5 being "somewhat interesting, but doesn't hold my attention for long", and 10 being "if this gets mentioned, I may be focused on the topic for hours")
16. On a scale from 1-10, how aware would you be of the following things? (1 being "I could be watching a powerpoint presentation about it and still be totally oblivious", 5 being "about as aware as most people", and 10 being "I'm always the first to pick up on that") [N/A is an acceptable response]
17. Which of the following do you do unintentionally? Give a 1 for those you don't do, a 2 for those you used to do frequently (as a baby doesn't count), a 3 for those you sometimes do, and a 4 for those you frequently do.
a. 1
b. 4
c. 4
d. 4
e. 2
f. 1
g. 4
h. 3
i. 1
j. 1
k. 4
l. 3
m. 2
18. How easily are you distracted?
B. Sometimes I'm distracted, but- squirrel!...sorry, what was the question?
19. How's your eye contact?
C. I know I'm supposed to make eye contact, so I do, then I wonder whether it's been too long, so I look away. Repeat.
20. On a scale from 1-5, how comfortable would you be letting the following people hug you? [1 being "I couldn't stand it", 5 being "completely"]
a. 5
b. 5
c. 5
d. 3
e. 3
f. 1
g. 1
h. 1
i. 1
j. 1
k. 1
l. 1
21. Does rhythm come easily to you?
A. No; I'm poor at it.
22. Does tone come easily to you?
C. Mine is average.
23. Do you talk to yourself? (Occasional single words don't count.)
B. Occasionally
24. On a scale from 1-5, how much do you rely on the following to remember people? [1 being "never", 5 being "this is my usual method"]
a. 1
b. 1
c. 1
d. 3
e. 2
f. 5
25. Gravity makes the apple fall to the ground.
A. True
26. When it comes to objects (including pens, cars, stuffed animals, clothing), how attached are you to them?
C. I am pretty sentimental. When an object I like gets damaged I will do a bit to get it fixed or feel bad about the loss.
27. From 1-5, how much are you inclined to trust the following people to do as they said they would? [1 being "never", 5 being "always"]
a. 5
b. 3
c. 1
d. 1
e. 3
28. You find out that a friend has told you a white lie. What is your reaction? (You may choose more than one.)
E. What is a "white lie"? A lie is a lie.
29. On a scale from 1-7, how much do the following changes upset you? (1 being "I think I'd enjoy that", 4 being "I could live with it", 7 being "I am petrified") [N/A is an acceptable response.]
a. 6
b. 7
c. 4
d. 4
e. 6
f. 4
g. 7
h. 7
i. 7
j. 4
30. Are you stubborn?
D. I'm stubborn about practically everything.
31. Please list the following in order of how you would most like to spend some time to how you would least like to spend time.
C- learning about something fascinating
A- doing nothing
G- being intimate with my significant other
B- working on a craft, baking, etc.
D- with close friends
F- with lots of animals
H- connecting with people online
E- attending a fun gathering with many people, some of whom you know
32. How is your handwriting?
A. Chicken-scratching
33. Which of the following have you done frequently enough to notice a pattern? (You many choose more than one.)
A. stabbing my pinky toe on doorframes
B. bumping my hips on doorknobs
C. making typos that don't make sense, like "pill" instead of "bill"
D. making typos when writing by hand (This isn't bad handwriting or simply misspelling a word; it's writing the wrong letter when you know fully well how to spell the word.)
E. reaching for something but knocking it over
F. tripping over my own feet
34. Give a 1 for those you disagree with, a 2 for those you agree with somewhat, and a 3 for those you agree with strongly.
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 1
e. 2
f. 1
35. What do you think of asking, "How are you?" as a greeting, without needing a response?
C. It's extremely annoying.
36. You are told that a person you have known for most of your life but weren't close to is terminally ill. How do you react? (You may choose more than one.)
C. I am somewhat disappointed.
D. I am briefly surprised.
Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 161 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 42 of 200
You are very likely neurodiverse (Aspie)
Joined: 19 Mar 2011
Gender: Non-binary
Posts: 6,659
Location: The Labyrinth of Leviathan
1. B. Yes (official diagnosis) (when I was about nine, if that matters)
2. A. No
3. D. I have a lot of the traits but am not convinced.
I say I probably have borderline OCD, meaning I have some of the symptoms, but none of them are really severe and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't quite qualify for a diagnosis.
4. C. Yes; it's severe and/or chronic
On and off since middle school, and I've been hospitalized for it a couple times recently.
5. B. 24-56
6. B. No
7. A. No
8. B. Female
9. B. I don't fit the stereotypes, but that's okay.
I don't feel much of a connection to either gender but have no problem referring to myself or having others refer to me as female.
10. A. Caucasian
11. I'm still sorting that out. I honestly don't even know if I'm technically monotheistic or polytheistic. Let's just say it's complicated
12. B. Average
13. C. Yes, and aromantic
14. a-a car alarm that won't turn off
b-an audibly dripping sink
c-loud music that you don't like
Depends on just how loud
d-loud music that you do like
Also depends on how loud
e-off-key singing
Depends how well I know the song and how off-key, probably about a 5, maybe a little higher
f-a song you know being sung entirely differently
g-offbeat clapping
h-speaker feedback
i-hearing flip-flops
j-loud chewing
6.5, maybe a little more if it's cold
l-being blown on
m-a draft
n-the feel of squeezing a cotton ball
o-a scratchy clothes tag
p-tight clothing
q-certain kinds of fabric
10, for some
r-having to wear pants
1 - I'm actually most comfortable in jeans and can't stand not having something completely covering my legs (and even long skirts count - I hate the feeling of my legs touching each other)
s-uncomfortable shoes
t-socks being on the wrong feet
5 - there are right and wrong feet for most socks? I can't tell which foot I've last worn a sock on, or if it's supposed to be right or left.
u-direct sunlight
3 - depends on how bright, I kind of like the warmth if it isn't bright enough to be blinding
v-bright florescent lighting
w-a jiggling lightbulb
x-dim lighting
y-a person reading over your shoulder
10 - I don't know why that bothers me so much, but it does
z-continuity errors in a plot
å-illogical choices by supposedly smart TV characters
ä-poor grammar
ö-a typo on a sign
15. a-lists and charts
b-math with a purpose
c-theoretical math
i-a specific era of history
l-string, textiles, etc.
n-simulation games
o-strategy games
p-classic board games
q-tabletop gaming
r-methods of death
In general, 5, but mention a specific one and it can range from 5 to 10, depending on the movie.
5, unless it's Tool, in which case it's 10
å-a specific series
16. a-two coworkers/classmates are romantically interested in each other
b-two coworkers/classmates have been dating for weeks
c-two coworkers/classmates have been having sex covertly
d-a close friend has a crush on someone
e-a close friend has a new significant other
f-someone has a crush on you and has been flirting
g-your romantic interest is interested in you
Don't know
h-two coworkers/classmates have had a recent falling-out
i-two coworkers/classmates haven't been speaking to each other for weeks
j-two close friends have had a recent falling-out
k-your social group is slowly falling to pieces from internal drama
l-the friends you keep talking to are hoping you'll leave them alone
l-someone is lying
m-someone is using sarcasm
n-someone is mocking you
o-you stink
p-your shirt is on inside-out
q-that outfit looks terrible on you
r-someone's outfit looks terrible on them
s-a person has a peculiar gait
t-loose hairs sticking out
u-a coworker/classmate changed their hairstyle
v-there is a coin between some rocks
w-the truck that drove past had a part missing
x-the website isn't coded very well
y-something is misspelled or mispunctuated
z-maintenance issues
17. a. Toe-twitching
b. Leg-bouncing
c. Rocking
d. Fiddling with things in your hands
e. Shredding paper
f. Sucking on a finger
g. Sucking on your tongue/teeth
h. Playing with hair
i. Sucking or chewing on hair (N/A if too short)
j. Spinning
k. Counting
l. Pacing
m. Arm-biting
18. B. Sometimes I'm distracted, but- squirrel!...sorry, what was the question?
19. C. I know I'm supposed to make eye contact, so I do, then I wonder whether it's been too long, so I look away. Repeat.
Usually I just make the occasional quick glance of eye contact and look away when the other person meets my eyes.
20. a. My mom
b. My dad
c. Siblings
d. My significant other
e. My closest friend(s)
f. Extended family
g. Casual friends, female
(I don't really understand the differentiation between "close friends," "casual friends," and "acquaintances" - when I was in elementary school, I even thought everyone I'd ever met was a friend unless they proved otherwise and was completely oblivious to the idea of acquaintances)
h. Casual friends, male
i. Acquaintances, female
j. Acquaintances, male
k. Strangers
l. Celebrities
21. B. Mine is average.
22. C. Mine is average.
23. C. No (Not out loud, at least)
24. a. faces 1
b. names 2
c. hair 5
d. body type 3
e. clothing 3
f. location/situation 2
25. A. True
26. C. I am pretty sentimental. When an object I like gets damaged I will do a bit to get it fixed or feel bad about the loss.
27. a. a parent
b. a close friend
c. an acquaintance
d. a stranger
e. a person with authority, such as a club president
28. Depends on what exactly the "white lie" was - what seems like a "white lie" to most people may be more of a "grey lie" to me. It probably wouldn't be enough for me to end a friendship. I understand some things, like lying to avoid hurting people's feelings, but other "white lies" I may not understand the purpose of.
29. a. A familiar food that you like was made differently than you're used to.
b. Your appointment was cancelled at the last minute.
c. Your neighbor moves out and another moves in.
d. A friend/family member gets a new car.
e. A survey asks to rate from 1-10 or 1-5, then changes to 1-7 with no explanation.
f. A radical change in hair or clothing style in a close friend.
g. Someone has moved something in your room.
h. Your family's vacation plans were changed a few days before the trip and you're going somewhere you hadn't expected.
i. You thought your afternoon would be free, but realize you have to go meet someone.
j. You are expected to create an account that you'll probably never use again but will always exist.
30. C. I can be stubborn about issues that everyone else would find petty or trivial.
31. C- learning about something fascinating
F- with lots of animals
B- working on a craft, baking, etc.
D- with close friends
H- connecting with people online
A- doing nothing
E- attending a fun gathering with many people, some of whom you know
I didn't include G because I don't have a significant other.
32. C. Neat
33. I don't think I do any of these more often than the average person.
34. I don't really like the 1-3 scale for this one.
a. I'm more respectful toward a person in authority.
Not really any more so than I am toward anyone, but I'm pretty respectful toward just about everyone.
b. I hold those in authority to a higher standard.
Yes, I expect them to know what they're doing - essentially, I expect there to be a reason they're in authority.
c. Bums are not respectable.
No, they're people just like everyone else. Their circumstances don't necessarily reflect on them as people.
d. I would rather talk to an influential businesswoman than to a middle-aged housewife.
That really depends on the people themselves - their "ranks," so to speak, don't really tell me anything about who I'd rather talk to.
e. I would trust an English professor if he disagreed with my smart friend about grammar.
Probably, but I wouldn't put blind faith in the English professor - everyone can be mistaken on occasion.
f. If a 6-year-old is talking to an adult, I don't mind interrupting them, but I would wait for a pause if two adults are talking.
No, I'd wait for a pause in conversation no matter the age of the people conversing.
35. C, I guess - I don't know about extremely annoying, but it is annoying.
36. B. I am saddened.
Yet in my new wildness and freedom I almost welcome the bitterness of alienage. For although nepenthe has calmed me, I know always that I am an outsider; a stranger in this century and among those who are still men.
-H. P. Lovecraft, "The Outsider"
I'll try to fill out some:
1. B Official diagnosis
2. B Yes
3. A No
4. A No
5. A 12-27
6. B No
7. A No
8. B Female
9. B I don't fit the sterotypes
10. H. Caucasian and African
11. Non-denominational Christian
12. B- Average, but I have a spiky cognitive profile
13. A- No
14. a- 9
b- 5
c- 7
d- 6
e- 8
f- 5
g- 9
h- 6
i- 10
j- 6
k- 10
l- 5
m- 5
n- 5
o- 9
p- 6
q- 1
r- 1
s- 8
t- 2
u- 7
v- 5
w- 7
x- 5
y- 6
z- 9
1- 6
2- 8
3- 7
15. a- 7
b- 2
c- 1
d- 5
e- 2
f- 5
g- 6
h- 4
i- 6
j- 1
k- 6
l- 1
m- 5
n- 10
o- 6
p- 2
q- 5
r- 2
s- 5
t- 2
u- 1
v- 1
w- 3
x- 8
y- 7
z- 6
1- 10
17. Of the options, I rock sometimes (on purpose), pace sometimes (unintentional).
18. B Sometimes
19. A and E
21. B average, (when it is not something new)
22. B poor
23. A yes
24. a. 4
b. 5
c. 3
d. 3
e. 1
f. 5
25. A True
26. C
27. a. 3
b. 5
c. 4
d. 2
e. 2
28. E
29. a.
30. C
32. C
33. B. bumping hips C. making typos and D. I may skip letters or short words
35. B. confusing and makes no sense
36. D. surprised and E. uninterested
Joined: 5 Jan 2010
Age: 50
Gender: Female
Posts: 12,864
Location: Lost on Earth, waddya think?
Is it normal to feel mentally and physically tired after spending what must have been over an hour writing down all the answers by hand on paper? Because I sure did. I am kind of proud that I managed not to rage quit, though.
1. b
2. a
3. a
4. b
5. b
6. b
7. *beep* A! *beep* - I mean B!
8. b
9. b
10. a
11. agnostic (non-practicing Christian)
12. c
13. b
14. a)10, b)5, c)10, d)5, e)10, f)10, g)5, h)10, i)1, j)8, k)10, l)5, m)5, n)1, o)9, p)10, q)10, r)1, s)10, t)1, u)10, v)8,
w)6, x)5, y)10, z)8, a1)8, a2)10, a3) 10
15: a)1, b)0!*, c)0!, d)4, e)1, f)1, g)1, h)5, j)6, k)9, l)1, m)5, n)10, o)5, p)5, q)1, r)1 t)1, u)1, u)1, v)1, w)0!, x)5,
y)8, z)5, a1)5
*I mean 1. Happy?
I'm done for now. This is exhausting.
Thank you for your effort.
If anyone wants to do a section now and more later, that's fine. I don't think I'll have enough to chart properly until May.
I've had two people suggest that I should have used google to make a survey. If more people think I should, I could try putting these in there. But I think this way has two benefits: that there's not a requirement to get it all done in one sitting, and that if someone feels a need to explain their answer they can tack that on. This is more human, I guess.
Logical Sensory Extrovert (ESTj) . Enneagram 1-6-2
Protestant . Female . Asexual . self-diagnosed Aspie
I enjoy charts, knitting, gaming, and interacting with real but atypical people.