Skilpadde wrote:
I am "overly" private/ secretive. Period.
And I wouldn't want it any other way.
The only person I share with is my mother. Even with her I can't help but feel uncomfortable if she's walking by while I look at at something on the PC.
To say nothing of my too curious father!
And no, I don't do anything nasty or hush hush, it's just that it's uncomfortable.
In school when we did writing assignments, the teacher would often go around glancing here and there. I would always automatically lean over my work, hiding it from view with an arm or by leaning closely over it. This would be work that I would deliver to the teacher just minutes after. But until it was ready, I was not ready to have anyone see it.
Hating being watched when doing things seems to be common among us.
I usually feel the same way about being watched. Even when I'm doing some simple and everyday chore such as sweeping the kitchen floor, I hate to do it when there's someone else in the room. It makes me feel self-conscious and awkward about my movements and I start wondering whether I look ridiculous. I also had similar experiences about written assignments. I also hated it when the teacher gave me oral feedback on my essays; I could take any praise or criticism in paper, but when she talked to me about it or asked me to explain it orally I always felt on the verge of melting down.
Professionally diagnosed with PDD NOS as a child, but only told by my parents at the age of 21.
Autism Quotient: 30
Aspie quiz: 123/200 aspie; 75/200 NT
RAADS: 135