I don't know how life is going to be for me. Everything's messed up and not good. My family is constantly fighting, I am temporarily separated from my cat, and life is becoming too much to handle. Nobody seems to understand just how much I struggle. I'm not trying to say I have a poor life, it's not bad, but I can't live right. Going out is too hard, being around anyone at this point is difficult. I can't see myself being independent, and it frightens me. I can't have a job, or friends, and even my family is causing more anxiety than usual. I have hid so much of myself from them, and I was afraid if I began to act more like myself, they'd like me less. I'm 16, and I just quit my fourth job. My family is pressuring me to start driving, which I know I am not ready for. It's just overwhelming. Maybe I am just complaining about nothing, so I am sorry if I am. I just had to type.