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23 Aug 2018, 1:21 pm

Pertex, Gore-tex, Cordura, detailing.


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23 Aug 2018, 2:51 pm

remastering some old david rose hits :dj:


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23 Aug 2018, 4:16 pm


Words, dictionary definition

The homophobic civil engineer from San Diego 2006 that had the nerve to tell me that it was "lying" for me to ask him to call me "he" instead of "she"


Martial arts

Attachment vs detachment


Appearance, mirrors

Acceptance vs forgiveness

Disease, disability, schizophrenic, bipolar, depression

Mental illness and retardation

Annoying self entitled extroverts

First aikido instructor (structural engineer)

Doctor Spock and the spoiled upper middle class brat



Sugar, candy

Eye contact, posture,

School, structural engineer

Stereotype, Asian

The word "what and "huh" instead of "excuse me"

Former precious lil "friends"

Precious lil "people" that had the nerve make my worthless corpse redundant

Connotation and denotation


Double standards

Not having any precious lil "friends"


The meaning of "life"


Obsessive compulsive disorder


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23 Aug 2018, 4:45 pm

Zips, flats, pockets, hoods, webbing, hems, buttons, knee patches.


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24 Aug 2018, 1:03 am

1. Meaning; process, relativism, experience, syncretism, juxtaposition, and acatalepsy
2. Humans rejecting meaning in favor of the yummy parts of "the way it is".
3. Looking for perfect music
4. Crappy abstract interpretive dancing including finger articulation
5. Science Fiction
6. TV, movies, games
7. Tracking my diet and exercise.
8. Keeping almost all humans at safe psychological distances
9. Jokes built on interesting references to themselves or their environment
9. Over-editing posts, which usually results in at least one inconsistency, far too much wasted time, and regret of ever speaking.


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09 Sep 2018, 12:16 pm

3. Peak Oil, Civilization Collapse, Ecology....
16. Music
4. Numbers, Time Tables, Diagrams, Lists...
1. Mountains, Forests, Geography, Countries, Nature.....
122. Weather, Climates
7. Politics, Economy, Social Issues...
33. Oriental Philosophies
Pi. Reading
2. Drawing nonsense
e. and so on


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09 Sep 2018, 8:10 pm

making space on my hard drive.


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10 Sep 2018, 4:37 pm

The Kinks
Vintage TV sets
The 60s
Hogan's Heroes
German helmets
The Winter and Summer Olympics
Arts and Crafts

The Family Enigma

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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10 Sep 2018, 9:12 pm

1. Japanese language and japanese culture, including pop (anime, manga, games, visual novels, light novels, music, religion, history, values, technology, food, mythology, and so on).

2. Daydreaming about certain scenarios over and over again (I can't find much enjoyment in real life much of the time and daydreaming is much more fun). I also obsessively daydream and read a lot about an utopian world where there's no pain and everyone is understanding about other people's differences and there's no conflict, and read about how to improve myself for that cause, even knowing that such a thing is just a distant dream, it would eliminate indivuality, and I'm faulty as well, but I guess it doesn't hurt doing so for myself, at least. When I was a kid, I would criticise people in public for their faulty actions that hurt others, but I learnt that it is rude to do so, and there was a lot of backlash, so I stopped doing so and instead keep for myself.

3. Korean language.

4. Chinese characters and chinese language.

5. English language, and keep learning about England because I love the country and I want to visit and maybe live there.

6. Rain and water, watching, or seeing images of, reading, being inside, watching the sea, swimming... I want to see and enjoy the rain and smell the watery terrain when it rains, because it causes a gentle and pleasant feeling in me.

7. Snow. I want to play with snow, I want to make snow memories, but in my country it doesn't snow... :cry:

8. Writing and drawing about my thoughs and feelings, because I seem to become more relaxed if I keep doing it. At first I was quite bad at it, but I'm surprisingly getting better.

9. Learning about the different sounds that exist in each language and anything relating to languages. Learning the different synonyms that exist for a certain word and how they differ from each other.

10. MMORPGS with open world exploration and/or good character development. I mostly watch gameplays, TERA and Elsword.

11. Anything that triggers my aesthetic sense, like art, landscape, beautiful people, lolita fashion, beautiful animals, elves, and so on. Saving artwork, following artists, and making detailed folders of art on my computer.

12. Anything that is cute, like fluffy animals, or kawaii japanese culture. I collect rabbit and cat related merchandise.

13. Music that no one seems to listen to, and reading the lyrics.

14. Reading non-fiction, new information, anything.

15. Searching for ideas and people that I can relate to. For example, environment actions, animal saving actions, vegetarian lifestyle, helping the poor, bullying (but this one sometimes triggers me), how to be more polite to people and avoid hurting others feelings and understanding others feelings better, how to make good friends, social anxiety and how to cope with it, Asperger's, Asexual/Aromantic/Agender people and LGBT topics, mental problems I might have and obsess over them, learning the meaning of flowers and how to take care of flowers, how to give the best life to my pet, how to cope with phobias, what to say at certain occasions, how to cope with sensory issues, how to cope with past trauma, how to use technology effectively, how to study more effectively, how to save money, and so on.

16. フリーホラーゲーム ("free horror game", indie horror games like Ib, Satsuriku no Tenshi, Mad Father, Yume Nikki, kirisame ga furu mori, Ao Oni, RxHpsychosis, The Witch's House, and so on.).

17. Anything related to my university degree (Asian Studies).

18. Understanding the meaning of memes and internet culture.

I'm here to make friends
Have a good day~~


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12 Sep 2018, 5:48 pm

Looking back at this thread, it's interesting to see how my special interests have waxed and waned over the years.

The Family Enigma


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17 Sep 2018, 4:07 am

In the past my obsessions were in random order :arrow:
~Vid games
~Listening to music
~Posting on forums
~Researching lots of medical stuff like disorders & meds especially psych stuff
~My 1st girlfriend
~My 2nd girlfriend

My current obsessions :arrow:
~My current girlfriend
~The iCarly star, Miranda Cosgrove. I developed a crush on her like 8 years ago when I was single & I fell madly in love with her

"I don't have an anger problem, I have an idiot problem!"
~King Of The Hill

"Hear all, trust nothing"
~Ferengi Rule Of Acquisition #190 ... cquisition

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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24 Aug 2019, 2:46 pm

•deep sea creatures (especially jellyfish)
•foreign language


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24 Aug 2019, 9:20 pm

Structural engineering


Job status

Philosophy and logic




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25 Aug 2019, 12:08 am

digital loudspeakers


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26 Aug 2019, 1:08 pm

In no particular order...

Music theory/composition
Politics/Mass Behavioral Psychology
Social Class

As a kid I had some like...

Star Wars
Video Games

We seldom realize, for example, that our most private thoughts and emotions are not actually our own. For we think in terms of languages and images which we did not invent, but which were given to us by our society - Alan Watts


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26 Aug 2019, 2:11 pm

Make up products
Asian cultures
Middle eastern culture
And many more