BTDT wrote:
Could it just be that you are an Aspie living in a neurotypical world? That you are forced to "mask" or conform to the norms of society which makes you uncomfortable. For instance, I've been criticized for dwelling on a topic right here, though the OP did apologize when I pointed out that was typical Aspie behavior. Sometimes it takes me a long time to make a point. Otherwise known as the "wall of text" you see here. I do try to break it up into bite sized pieces. I can run a line of thought for very long time. I usually try to hide the fact that I remember conversations made months or years ago, as that seems to creep some people out.
Typical Aspie behavior, BTDT. Typical.
Oh, that's not a criticism or a put-down. More of a reaffirmation if anything. I agree entirely.
Interestingly, I've noticed older Aspies (50+, no name calling, but half a century of living under their belt) tend to fall into two camps. One camp says Asperger's gets easier to manage with age as they live and learn. A second group says Asperger's gets harder. As a person ages, energy decreases, including the energy required to mask. I think I'm bound for the latter group.