Would you like to get rid of the ASD?
That's quite a lot of weaknesses and much more than most Asperger's have. If it's onto me I have no clue how to handle it. Recurrent nightmares are caused by things that scare you and that you are unable to handle. You should try to find solutions for how to get over the scary situations as long as you are not yet sleeping. Once you are sleeping you'll remember this. Sometimes the only solution is to skip any anxiety and get over it with not feeling any anxiety any more because anxiety weakens you and does not help. This helped me once I was a child to get rid of a nightmare.
For reasons other than 'individuality', 'functioning' and 'aptitude'.
Saying that it made me different is too easy. Saying that it's because of the blessings outweighs the curse is even easier. And no, I did not gave up on myself -- that's not what acceptance is to me.
Sure, I acknowledge the blessings, and who am I to deny the curses?
And whatever autism is holding me back for, I have one certain thing; it holds me back from doing something unsavory that my dark side of self is screaming.
Better just be wrong than the deadly kinds of wrong. I'm already a bit reckless as it is, and it's not because of autism.
I'd say, I wanna get rid of co-morbids. The glitch in processing, the unreliable need of sleep and it's consequences, and sometimes the words.
I already got rid of anxiety, depression, and sensory overload. Never had to deal with these on daily basis since, and never had a need to 'maintain' this -- so yes, it's possible to get rid of these problems.
How? I wish I have the words, but I don't. It involves the mind, the feelings, and realization for all I know.
And think my life and anyone else's life would be easier if I end up NT? Muahaha.. I don't think so.
I've seen too many NTs suffering in effort despite not having any issues and even not being lazy, and seen too many NTs did a lot worse than me in life despite that they ARE more functioning than I ever will be, and had attained many things before being thrown into the adult world.
My world is very different from your's.
In my 'world' being 'NT' doesn't guarantee being successful by effort. Or being happy. I do not envy them a lot, nor I do not long to be one of them.
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I got rid of or improved a lot of my comorbids like anxiety, OCD & depression by doing a lot of research, analyzing things & myself, accepting some of my faults while still trying to work on things, finding others who related, & taking meds. I still have my autism thou, I just handle things better. I wouldn't remove it if I could because I'd be a completely different person & I might have other problems if I did.
"I don't have an anger problem, I have an idiot problem!"
"Hear all, trust nothing"
https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Ru ... cquisition
I'd be nervous of the law of unintended consequences. If I became NT overnight I think that everyone who knew me would suddenly (ironically) think I'd gone really weird and wasn't the same person. I wouldn't mind changing a few bits at a time, mainly my unsociability.
I've read about people who have been morbidly obese, they make a huge effort and slim down to a normal size and are really unhappy because they lose their sense of who they are. Similarly with some people who are profoundly deaf and hate the idea of implants.
It may depend on how old you are as well... I don't have to deal with the world of work anymore... in that case I might say definitely yes.
Steve J
Unkind tongue, right ill hast thou me rendered
For such desert to do me wreak and shame
For reasons other than 'individuality', 'functioning' and 'aptitude'.
Saying that it made me different is too easy. Saying that it's because of the blessings outweighs the curse is even easier. And no, I did not gave up on myself -- that's not what acceptance is to me.
Sure, I acknowledge the blessings, and who am I to deny the curses?
What makes you loose the blessings if you get over the curses? Negative thinking?
In my 'world' being 'NT' doesn't guarantee being successful by effort. Or being happy. I do not envy them a lot, nor I do not long to be one of them.
Getting over the problems doesn't mean to loose all advantages. Getting rid of the ASD doesn't mean that you are simply NT afterwards. But once you have learned to feel more emotions and to have more empathy than you'll get better along with NTs once you need it. Reading people right is a huge advantage and simply allows you to master them better. You don't have to give up yourself for this. To learn something new is not a drug that changes you in an unpredictable way because it's only a new feature that you have. If I talk to NTs emotionally and watch to them now I recognise the lot's of emotions that they have and see how their brains act while having them. It's not longer a magic thing just hidden in their head. If it comes to NTs the emotions control the mind. If you are able to read the emotions and act in a way that to make them generate the right emotions then you are able to control their minds.
Once in a disco I watched a girl who exactly acted this way towards men and towards women. For me it was an unbelievable thing. She used herself like a hand puppet to control other peoples mind just for fun in the most manipulative way that I have ever seen. The controlled people not even realised how they were manipulated. For me it was unbelievable. But she would never be able to control me just because of my lack of emotions. Without having emotions on my own I just watched her acting and watched the reaction of the other people. I tried to talk to her whether she could help me according my emotional problems but she just took it for an approach.

This all just reminds me to A. Hitler: "Das Volk ist in seiner überwiegenden Mehrheit so feminin veranlagt und eingestellt, daß weniger nüchterne Überlegung als vielmehr gefühlsmäßige Empfindung sein Denken und Handeln bestimmt". ("The overwhelming majority of the people are so feminine in their disposition and attitude that their thinking and actions are determined less by rational thinking than by emotional feelings.")
I didn't realise until now that he was totally right with this.

I am as I am.

I don't think it's fun at all to have asperger. It has caused me problems in life, even if I consider it being a worse handicap to live asperger without knowing that you have that diagnosis. Since I got my diagnosis I have however started deal with it and overcome some of the difficulties related to it. At least so far.
I accept my diagnosis. I accept who I am. But...I don't define myself after my asperger-diagnosis or base my identity upon it.
For reasons other than 'individuality', 'functioning' and 'aptitude'.
Saying that it made me different is too easy. Saying that it's because of the blessings outweighs the curse is even easier. And no, I did not gave up on myself -- that's not what acceptance is to me.
Sure, I acknowledge the blessings, and who am I to deny the curses?
What makes you loose the blessings if you get over the curses? Negative thinking?
Negligence and burnout; it's more than just negative thinking. It doesn't even need negative thinking to happen -- it could be as simple as mismanagement of self and paying for it, or extreme and circumstantial like trauma and unable to cope with it.
That could happen to me.

To learn something new is not a drug that changes you in an unpredictable way because it's only a new feature that you have. If I talk to NTs emotionally and watch to them now I recognise the lot's of emotions that they have and see how their brains act while having them. It's not longer a magic thing just hidden in their head. If it comes to NTs the emotions control the mind. If you are able to read the emotions and act in a way that to make them generate the right emotions then you are able to control their minds.
I already know how to get along with NTs as you say -- I don't have to be an NT for it, and I don't need to sacrifice parts of me for it.
The odds of having the means to however, is another story. It's just like me and the verbal language -- odds of "hit-miss". Mostly entirely depends on my mood.

And I'm already unpredictable to myself as I'm now. I'm aim to 'master' said unpredictability. At worst, it frustrates me -- but I never fear it.
I'm deadly aware that I have too many shifts of moods. Some couldn't make up their minds about my personality for seeing too many sides of myself by not masking any of them.
And having a female body isn't helping me.
What I need is control. Emotional intelligence. It's more than just able to read people, and it's more than just to feel and know empathy.
I've witnessed similar various scenes few times all over.

Minus the attraction towards said person who plays people like a puppet. I'm too young and too uninterested.
But I do know this:
One had to be fundamentally different to react differently from whatever NTs' intentions are; be it good or bad.

There are many accounts in this forum seeing the same various scenarios, reacting the with the similar regard or seeing the similar views.
And there are those who had been victims instead -- emotionally aware or not, fundamentally different or not-so-differently at all.
I didn't realise until now that he was totally right with this.

The culture of my upbringing... Is 'melodramatic' and 'too emotional for their own good' by several foreign standards and at least the majority of my culture's native antitheses.
And since you seem to be insistent of me saying 'yes, I'd get rid of ASD'; let me rephrase my choices from your options then:
I'd be an 'NT', if it's an open choice and not mandatory. If it's not permanent, and if it's reversible, mostly for experience and learning -- never for the sake of coping and survival.
A month or so few times a year in a long run, or fewer days a week, mostly on a whim. But never on daily basis.
If it's a permanent thing, it's not something I'd ever take in a heartbeat. I would rather keep ASD, curses and all that.
In fact, if I were in a really cheerful mood posting my first reply, I'd end up saying with the lines of: "I'd get rid of ASD for fun

Edit: Typos.

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Last edited by Edna3362 on 06 Oct 2018, 11:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
This is a difficult question. I would like to be able to have friends and relationships but when I think of getting rid of ASD and suddenly becoming socially able (and obsessed with social interaction like NT's seem to be), I very much pull away from it because I find social interaction incredibly draining and confusing. The reaction against having to deal with more of it in me is very strong. Of course if I was no longer autistic it might be able to learn not to feel like that.
I guess the real issue here is that the neurology I have which causes my autism is very tightly integrated with every other part of my neurology. If you ripped out and replaced the autistic bits, my overall neural network would be so disrupted that "I" would no longer exist, in fact I think it would leave me like a stroke victim with huge parts of my neural net needing repair and rerouting to function effectively. I don't want that under any circumstance.
What I would most like is some kind of peripheral electronic brain unit which I could choose to plug in and turn on which would support my ability to be social and communicate in ways which regular people understand properly. I would also like a similar unit which would allow me to turn down my sensitivity to touch, sound and flashing light. But both of these would need to be bolt-on extras or pharmaceutically derived changes which have a limited time to function. That was I could overcome my difficulties without losing my own self.
I've recently been reading a Sci fi book called "We Are Legion" by Dennis Taylor. In it, a man is transcribed into a computer with a spaceship body. In that form his personality can do all sorts of cool things, including turning up or down various sensors on his spaceship systems and slowing down or speeding up his subjective time by changing his I/O and processor speed. This would be so great in social interactions because you could slow subjective time right down when you got confused and have time to look up what things mean on a big database and how to properly reply so that people understand what you mean. You could also speed up subjective time when people are going on about boring stuff like soap operas or who did what to whom and in what place. You could even set up subroutines to deal politely with the boring bits of conversations without having to listen yourself. I wish this stuff was possible.
So my answer is if I could have the worst ASD difficulties reduced by a drug or some peripheral hardware for my brain I would want it, but if I could only be cured by getting rid of the autistic pathways in my brain then I would not want it at all because I think it wouldn't be possible to be a functioning person after such an invasive and significant brain surgery.
"That's no moon - it's a spacestation."
Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ICD10)
I'm just gonna say I want to keep it because that's the mindset i'm striving towards. Self-acceptance is the only way you can find happiness and that doesn't come from wishing away who you are. I would rather get rid off my social anxiety fully if that was possible.
I've seen many aspies including friends of mine live perfectly happy and social lives so I think that's possible with ASD even if we may always be a bit socially awkward to others but honestly who cares if someone doesn't like it it's their problem not ours.

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My personality and my autism are so fused together at this point there is no telling them apart. If I ripped the autism parts away despite my increased ability to deal with change the change would be so great I could not mentally handle it.
Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity
“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman
Self-acceptance? People are just different. Some people just want to improve, some want to get rid of their problems, some just want new experiences, some want to get rid of their limts and others like to keep the things just as they are. The most important things seem to be to you know yourself and your limits and that you can handle your problems. If it comes to me - I just always wanted to improve, to get a global clue and to get rid of my limits. The emotional thing of the normal people is just a thing that I just wanted to understand but to have emotions and to deal with other people isn't the goal of my life.
Self-acceptance? I think I'm not as bad as I am and in comparison to all other people on this planet already quite an extreme but self-acceptance is just a little bit to boring for me.

"Werd ich zum Augenblicke sagen:
Verweile doch! du bist so schön!
Dann magst du mich in Fesseln schlagen,
Dann will ich gern zugrunde gehn!"
"If I'll say to the moment:
Stay! You are so beautiful!
Then you may strike me in chains,
Then I'll like to perish!"
(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Faust I )
I am as I am.