Every time you or I endorse the concepts of Autism, Asperger's, or Neurological Difference, we are further marginalizing ourselves, and we are encouraging child abuse.
Right now as you are reading this, there are parents driving their child to the doctor, simply because they find the child to be an embarrassment. And these are children whom the parents did not need to have, they merely did so hoping that they would be able to give themselves an unstigmatized adult identity.
So I no longer talk about Autism-Asperger's, or Neurological Difference.
I would never grace any kind of a social skill class with my presence, if it was based on the idea of Autism - Asperger's or Neurological Difference.
People do not need to sit at home, there are children currently being abused, in the home, and in the doctor's office, and also in social skill classes. Sometimes things related to this end up in court too. There can be ways to get involved.
You become better in more social situations just by the experience of entering them.
If we are not willing to act to protect the children of today, who do you think is going to do it?
Autism-Aspergers is just a concept invented to legitimate the abuse of children and adults. Neuro-Diversity is just a way of pleading for pity. Everytime we endorse these concepts, we are further maginalizing ourselves, and encouraging child abuse. Autism-Asperger's could never even exist without Nazi Social Darwinism and Eugenics. So I no longer talk about these, I talk about lived experience, often the experience of being othered and then persecuted. I call this experience of having intelligence, insight, intuition, and mystical abilities, the Shamanic Experience. And those of us who live it need to start banding together and protecting ourselves, each other, and the children of today. Beautiful Planet, just a rotten economic and political system.