Apparently when I was very young I had a huge gap between my verbal and performance IQ. With my PIQ being barely 100 and my VIQ almost 130. This was at a very young age though so I don’t know if this has changed. I’ve seen posts that say this automatically implies NLD but I don’t fit the academic profile for this at all, actually it’s almost the opposite. I am pretty good with words but my strengths were always in the math and science area. I actually have two engineering degrees and went through college calculus, physics, chemistry, all that. This is supposed to be almost impossible for people with NLD due the abstract reasoning required. I’ve also always been good at building 3D models and have even worked in jobs where this is required. I’m also pretty good with maps (for a woman at least. Lol)
I’m wondering if this initial IQ was possibly a mis-measurement. I know online tests aren’t always 100% accurate but my scores are always much closer when I take those. It seems odd that I would have NLD but I do suspect AS, so maybe that was somehow reflected in my scores as a child?
You probably do not have NVLD because you appears to be good in that what requires good visual-spatial thinking.
I had revalidational lessons from physics and mathematics when I was 17 years old, after Asperger's diagnosis. I suppose that I might not have them when I would be diagnosed with a learning disorder instead of pervasive developmental disorder. I was poor in more "technical" questions associated with physics. But in
matura exam I had 100% in basic mathematics and chemistry. I was also very good in geography.
I consider NVLD with social issues a pervasive developmental disorder, not a specific one.
Someone wrote that I have not NVLD or have just a very mild form of it. I could disagree with that opinion, I would call it "mild", but not "very mild" because I made 4 errors (not 2 or 3) in Stroop test while the norm is 0 or 1 error. That test was associated with drawing figures from memory, so I have quite poor visual memory. The gap between my Information result (17) on IQ test and Object Assembly (9) result was 8 "large" points, not just 5 - 7 "large" points.