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What was your IQ profile?
VIQ-PIQ difference to 10 points 16%  16%  [ 4 ]
VIQ>PIQ (>=10 points) 12%  12%  [ 3 ]
VIQ>>PIQ (>=20 points) 28%  28%  [ 7 ]
VIQ>>>PIQ (>=30 points) 28%  28%  [ 7 ]
PIQ>VIQ (>=10 points) 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
PIQ>>VIQ (>=20 points) 8%  8%  [ 2 ]
PIQ>>>VIQ (>=30 points) 8%  8%  [ 2 ]
Total votes : 25


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15 Jan 2019, 4:33 pm

Apparently when I was very young I had a huge gap between my verbal and performance IQ. With my PIQ being barely 100 and my VIQ almost 130. This was at a very young age though so I don’t know if this has changed. I’ve seen posts that say this automatically implies NLD but I don’t fit the academic profile for this at all, actually it’s almost the opposite. I am pretty good with words but my strengths were always in the math and science area. I actually have two engineering degrees and went through college calculus, physics, chemistry, all that. This is supposed to be almost impossible for people with NLD due the abstract reasoning required. I’ve also always been good at building 3D models and have even worked in jobs where this is required. I’m also pretty good with maps (for a woman at least. Lol)

I’m wondering if this initial IQ was possibly a mis-measurement. I know online tests aren’t always 100% accurate but my scores are always much closer when I take those. It seems odd that I would have NLD but I do suspect AS, so maybe that was somehow reflected in my scores as a child?

You probably do not have NVLD because you appears to be good in that what requires good visual-spatial thinking.

I had revalidational lessons from physics and mathematics when I was 17 years old, after Asperger's diagnosis. I suppose that I might not have them when I would be diagnosed with a learning disorder instead of pervasive developmental disorder. I was poor in more "technical" questions associated with physics. But in matura exam I had 100% in basic mathematics and chemistry. I was also very good in geography.
I consider NVLD with social issues a pervasive developmental disorder, not a specific one.

Someone wrote that I have not NVLD or have just a very mild form of it. I could disagree with that opinion, I would call it "mild", but not "very mild" because I made 4 errors (not 2 or 3) in Stroop test while the norm is 0 or 1 error. That test was associated with drawing figures from memory, so I have quite poor visual memory. The gap between my Information result (17) on IQ test and Object Assembly (9) result was 8 "large" points, not just 5 - 7 "large" points.


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15 Jan 2019, 9:34 pm

I haven’t had any tests since I was five. My IQ was average, verbal IQ was above average and performance IQ was borderline.

VIQ > PIQ (40 points).

Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 152 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 70 of 200
You are very likely neurodiverse (Aspie)

AQ: 40
RAADS-R: 149


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18 Jan 2019, 4:15 pm


I did it to see how my verbal and spatial IQ compared. I don't take the FSIQ seriously as it's well known that giving A FSIQ is not recommended with a significant gap between the two.


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18 Jan 2019, 5:04 pm

I have large gap (28 points) between VIQ (114) and WMIQ (86). Spatial IQ (106) is only 8 points lower than verbal. FSIQ: 98. So maybe I do not have NVLD? Or it means NVLD due to relatively poor visual memory (about 15th - 20th percentile)?

firemonkey, you have much better WMIQ than I despite the fact that you appear to have much more NVLD traits than me.

Second time I got these results:
VIQ 125, Spatial IQ 103, WMIQ 90, FSIQ 102. Better than previous, gap between VIQ and SIQ and WMIQ is larger than last time. 35 points of difference between VIQ and WMIQ. 22 between VIQ and SIQ (the same difference as in my Wechsler test between higher VIQ and lower PIQ - 22 points). I did not understand all English words in VIQ part of the test.


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18 Jan 2019, 6:09 pm

I tried it again too and like you my WMIQ improved to above 121(132). However I was told

That's because you're memorising the images, meaning there's less information to store when you see them.

Your WMIQ to VIQ gap is 35 whereas mine is 26. However my verbal to spatial IQ gap is 60 whereas yours is 22. Perhaps this shows that NVLD is not a homogeneous thing.


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18 Jan 2019, 7:12 pm

I did that test third time and VIQ was 128, SIQ 98, WMIQ 102, FSIQ 105. Difference between VIQ and WMIQ - 26 points. Verbal questions looked quite easy to me. But spatial things were more difficult. I have quite poor visual memory and imagination. My verbal skills appears to be really good, my Verbal Comprehension Index was about 95th percentile. I think that I have just NVLD with OCD and maybe any personality disorder. I function low, very poor in occupational area. I consider NVLD to be a pervasive developmental disability which affects not only learning, but also social skills and emotions and behavior.


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18 Jan 2019, 8:09 pm

My social skills are reckoned to be very poor. I have never worked . Behaviour wise I was prone to meltdowns under stress, but that has improved since first of all regular risperdal depot and now paliperidone depot.


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18 Jan 2019, 9:52 pm

Do you have the need of being loved and accepted? Did you have it in childhood? Did you have special interests in childhood?

I had very simple job for a person with ruling of disability last time for some months. It was very simple but somewhat uncomfortable and "ungrateful" (Polish: niewdzięczny).

I had excitation waves with serious stims some years ago, but I have not them now, probably due to medications like olanzapine.

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18 Jan 2019, 11:54 pm


My results are above. Online tests aren't 100% but I doubt I have NLD. Maybe just AS? The site is also not letting me insert images, just links.

If link doesn't work, my scores were:

Verbal - 117
WM - 117
Spacial - 120
Full Scale - 120


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19 Jan 2019, 12:15 am

My result surprised me:
I thought it would be much lower.

Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 152 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 70 of 200
You are very likely neurodiverse (Aspie)

AQ: 40
RAADS-R: 149


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19 Jan 2019, 5:36 am

Judging from both your scores(Lisa and Jessica) and the FSIQ it seems to be weighted in favour of spatial IQ. I outperform you Lisa on 2 and with you Jessica it's one-one with one the same. Yet my FSIQ is seen as being quite a bit lower due to my much poorer spatial ability.

With both of you VIQ and spatial IQ are very close to each other ,3 and 5,
which you would expect for people without a learning disability(using American terminology).
My gap however is 60 points.
I think this clearly illustrates why a full scale IQ shouldn't be given in a case like mine.

Found this interesting comment re full scale IQ and what Americans call learning disabilities. It was a novel way to describe things.

"The Full Scale IQ is an averaging of these five scales, so it’s only meaningful if the scales are consistent. If a child is superior in verbal reasoning, but below average in visual spatial skills, the full scale number looks average. It’s akin to having an average body temperature because your hair is on fire while your feet are in a bucket of ice water." ... st-scores/


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19 Jan 2019, 4:54 pm

It looks that LisaM1031 and SilentJessica can do not have NVLD despite large difference between VIQ and PIQ in professional IQ tests. They had relatively high Spatial IQ and Working Memory IQ in the Internet test. English is not my native language, despite it my results were highest in Verbal IQ. I am not certain if I have NVLD. Verbal part of the test was definitely easiest for me.

I did the test fourth time and I got:
VIQ 128
SIQ 108
WMIQ 109
FSIQ 113.
My WMIQ was much better than during first test. VIQ is still more than 1 SD (15 points) larger than SIQ and WMIQ.


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19 Jan 2019, 5:27 pm

As explained working memory IQ will improve each time you do it due to remembering the symbols and bypassing your working memory . I got up to 140 with repeated tries. It was a nice ego boost until it was explained to me.

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19 Jan 2019, 5:58 pm


nca14 wrote:
It looks that LisaM1031 and SilentJessica can do not have NVLD despite large difference between VIQ and PIQ in professional IQ tests. They had relatively high Spatial IQ and Working Memory IQ in the Internet test. English is not my native language, despite it my results were highest in Verbal IQ. I am not certain if I have NVLD. Verbal part of the test was definitely easiest for me.

I did the test fourth time and I got:
VIQ 128
SIQ 108
WMIQ 109
FSIQ 113.
My WMIQ was much better than during first test. VIQ is still more than 1 SD (15 points) larger than SIQ and WMIQ.

I did have a large gap between IQ scores as a child but this was when I was VERY young. I think I was only five years old. I don’t think it’s impossible that this could have changed. Even if I was retested at say, 10, My results may have been more even. I think I may have also had some visual processing issues at that age which seem to have resolved. This may have also affected my early scores.


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19 Jan 2019, 6:14 pm

When I took IQ test in which I scored 126 VIQ and 104 PIQ I was above 24,5 years old. The gap between VIQ and PIQ would be significantly narrower if Arithmetic would be the part of PIQ subscales, not VIQ. Arithmetic, Block Design and Coding are subtests in which people with NVLD would have rather poor results, but I was, on average, very good in them, scoring 18 in Arithmetic, 14 in Block Design and 13 in Coding. Arithmetic mean of 18, 14, 13 is 15, which is about 125 IQ (about 95th percentile). I scored in these three test almost the same (and even maybe minimally better) as in the three subscales, in which people with NVLD should have the highest results (Vocabulary (14), Information (17), Similarities (13)). My VCI (verbal comprehension index) was 125. I read article about a boy with NVLD who had 16 in Vocabulary, 14 in Information and 10 in Similarities (average is 13,(3)) and 7 in Arithmetic, 2 in Coding and 1 in Block Design (average is 3,(3)), the gap between averages of these two groups of results is 10 "large" points, which is equivalent of about 50 IQ points (3,(3) SDs).


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22 Jan 2019, 8:55 pm

134 VIQ, 103 PIQ here according to an abbreviated IQ measure (WASI).

Leading a double life and loving it (but exhausted).

Likely ADHD instead of what I've been diagnosed with before.