I was diagnosed at age 12 and it was mainly because of school and for my education and to keep me out of that behavior class. The school tried to say all my issues were behavior but they were not. But my mom knew I had something at a young age but she didn't know what it was and she had me tested at age ten for AS and the clinical psychologist said I didn't have it. So I am pretty sure my mom noticed symptoms in me and wanted to see if that was going on in me. I was already diagnosed with SPD, dyspraxia, ADD, Language Processing disorder, and OCD was suspected, and I was diagnosed with auditory processing disorder so I had all these labels. I also had Cluttering.
I used to think all my issues were due to my history of hearing loss but when I got to age 10, I knew it wasn't that. At age 12 I got to meet other kids in group therapy who also had problems and they all looked *gasp* normal so I then knew I didn't have a different look and no one could tell I was different just by looking at me. This was very confusing for me as a child because I couldn't understand why I was being treated so different and it wasn't like when kids look at me, they already see I am different and start treating me differently. So AS made sense when I read about it.
Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.
Daughter: NT, no diagnoses. Possibly OCD. Is very private about herself.