ToWhomItMayConcern wrote:
I'm 21 people think I'm 14,
15 years old. I went to the doctor the other day and she asked where my parents were.
When I tell people my age they're like wow really? I thought you were like 15." I cant buy a lottery ticket without them asking my age. (Here in the states you gotta be 18 to buy one)
Also I'm not necessarily mature for my age
I'm soft spoken.
I suppose this is a good thing when I actually get to be in my 30s maybe I'll look 20 lol
anyone else look younger than they are?
Apart from physical looks, a person's attitude/demeanour can also contribute to a person seemingly being younger than what they are...
Autistics tend to be childlike (as opposed to childish) due to the fact that a certain part of the brain doesn't develop/mature as in neurotypicals...
Ultimately this maturation primes individuals for competitive courting rituals with the ultimate aim of reproduction...
Evolution, what can you do...
Many autistics don't take "peacocking" seriously, myself included...<shrug>