Does anybody else feel emotions really strongly?

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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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28 Jun 2019, 8:49 pm

I've always been described as an "intense" person. I feel certain things really, REALLY strongly. The feeling can be anger, happiness, or sadness, or any other feeling. Not all of my feelings are like this; I do sometimes feel "normally" sad, or "normally" angry. But when I really get the feels going? I don't know how to describe it. It's like energy is rushing through me, consuming my entire being.

I want to share this feeling of total emotional consumption, but when I try to express these intense feelings, people get really scared and look at me weird. They ask me to calm down. Take a chill pill. "Man, Kuzon, you're a really intense person. You might want to take it down a notch." I have never ever been able to properly communicate how I feel, nor have I ever been able to have another person share my intense emotions.

When I learned about Asperger's Syndrome, I thought "Oh! Maybe this explains it! Maybe when I meet my fellow Aspies. They will understand!" So I started hanging out with fellow Aspies. I was surprised to hear this.

"Man, Kuzon, you're a really intense person. You might want to take it down a notch."

Am I the only who's like this? Am I just super intense, even for autistic people? Does anyone else feel things SUPER strongly? If so, let's talk. Cause I have so many intense things I want to get off my chest. Like my opinions on death! And the AVGN! And this one sitcom from the 90s! And, and, and, okay I'm done now.

Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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28 Jun 2019, 10:15 pm

Autistics can have an on/off switch all or nothing switch. It's been documented by dr.Attwood.


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29 Jun 2019, 1:04 am

I also feel emotions that are very intense. Every emotion that I feel is intense.

The Family Enigma


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29 Jun 2019, 6:49 am

I do feel very intense emotions. I get very excited and passionate about my interests (cats, tennis) and very sad when I lose a person or pet I love a lot.