Crystalmirror wrote:
Like pretty much any AS, I have very limited social skills. The thing about me is, not only do I not know how to make small talk, I find I really have no interest in it. The thought of just chit-chatting bores me to tears. For almost three years, I worked with a case worker at a local mental health agency. She was nice enough, but she put tremendous pressure on me to be more social, which I thought was really unfair. I don't work with her anymore, but I'd like to know how other aspies deal with the idea of socializing. How does everyone else deal with it?
I'm kinda the opposite, in a way. I -want- to be able to talk to people, but similarly, I have limited social skills.
However, when I'm actually in a conversation, I tend to just nod and make small, one-worded replies. I'm really clumsy when it comes to talking.. Being shy doesn't help either. I find it hard to get my thoughts out sometimes, too.
So, I don't know exactly how I handle socializing. It depends, really. If I'm with people I know, I just go with the flow, I guess. If there's even a flow to begin with :P. If I'm around people I don't know, I tend to freeze up.