Hello. I have been diagnosed with Aspergers and at first I didn’t believe That I had sensory processing disorder but I’m now starting to wonder.
When I was young it was very difficult to get my hair brushed, I found it agonising and would meltdown every time.
People tell me I can’t always notice temperature, though I’ve never really noticed that personally.
I can ignore pain that others would consider “extreme” but freak out at what others would consider “mild.”
I hate smells of any kind, someone spraying perfume or deodorant near me is my worst nightmare.
I can be either very observant or very unobservant.
I haven’t really noticed much sensitivity to sound, but a few nights a go I was at a social event and it grew very hectic and overwhelming. It was like some filter I had on slipped off and everything felt very loud. I wanted to put my hands over my ears but didn’t want to embarrass my self.
I started to wonder whether I had sound sensitivity that I was constantly blocking out? I wondered if the reason for me being a bit ditsy was because I’m constantly having to filter noise so subconsciously I don’t even notice it. Is that even possible or is my hearing normal? Do I have SPD or not?