I used to be good at sleeping, but latly, ive had insomnia, and it occures in cycles. I work 3rd shift so when Im alseep, the sun is coming up and its gradually getting hotter outside. What screwes me up is that sometimes ill work overtime and instead of sleeping at 5am, ill come home and sleep around 9-10am, and then my cycle is ruined, also, and I realize its becomeing a problem, my back has been hurtin alot latly (i tweaked it) and sometimes I take pain medication, during social situations i sometimes abuse it as a way to feel good and relaxed, over the past few mounths i have gotton a bit of a addiction to these painkillers, to the point where when I run out, i cant sleep, and will screw with me for days, i just realized that right their is half the problem, and now that i figured it out i have to slowly reduce the amount im taking (as my back will get better if i dont tweak it again)
DX'ed with HFA as a child. However this was in 1987 and I am certain had I been DX'ed a few years later I would have been DX'ed with AS instead.