Them: It's unhealthy for someone of your age to be so socially isolated!
Me: Okay *works really hard to get out more, make friends, get into a routine with it all and enjoy it*
Them: You need to stop all forms of unnecessary socialization and keep 2 metres away from everyone.
Being serious though, I hope the social distancing measures help.
Trogluddite wrote:
Rather paradoxically, I'm having the opposite problem - I can't get distant enough.
Since social distancing has been advised, and many social functions and institutions have been shut down, I'm really struggling to deal with the noise from neighbours who are home all day with their radio/TV blaring and who's kids are temporarily off school while poorly classmates are tested to check whether they may have spread the virus (a reasonable enough precaution, of course).
Even though it's still rather wintry here, I've seriously been thinking about packing my tent and camping up on the moors for a few days just to get some peace and quiet.
This hasn't been a problem for me
yet, but I'm expecting lots of loud music when the sun comes out. Contemplating buying earplugs/noise-cancelling headphones in preparation.