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Joe90 Veteran
Joined: 23 Feb 2010Gender: FemalePosts: 26,492Location: UK
Maybe you should stay away from people then, coughing can spread corona....
JohnTB Emu Egg
Joined: 24 May 2020Age: 44Gender: MalePosts: 2
Maybe you should stay away from people then, coughing can spread corona...._________________Yeah, now I have one more thing to worry about.
shortfatbalduglyman Veteran
Joined: 4 Mar 2017Age: 41Gender: MalePosts: 10,583
Maybe you could ask them "are you ok?".Psychobabble Extrovert fashionPit on a farce like you are trying to "help" them stop coughing.Ask "would it help if I go to the drugstore and buy you some cough syrup?"That'll shut them up.